COMEDK 2019 is an annual state-level exam. Held by Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka (COMEDK), this exam allows candidates to find admission in undergraduate courses in about 190 colleges in the state of Karnataka.

The exam is held online and comprises of MCQ-based questions. There is no negative marking in the exam.

Exam Pattern 

The COMEDK UGET 2019 exam is to be held in May 2019. The exam forms have been released in the month of January. The last date of submission of the exam form is in April. Candidates who wish to find admission in various colleges for UG courses in engineering can take up this exam and find admission in their desired colleges in Karnataka.

Here is all that you need to know about the COMEDK UGET 2019 exam:

  • The exam will be held in English language only.
  • There would three sections; each section will have 60 questions, which comes down to a total of 180 questions in total.
  • There is no negative marking, and each question is for one mark.
  • The pattern of the questions is MCQ based, and the exam is an online exam.
  • The syllabus for the exam will mostly include subjects studied by the students in 10+2 graduation. However, the students should still have a look at the COMEDK exam syllabus to know more.

Tips and Tricks to prepare for COMEDK 2019 UGET exam 

Over seventy thousand students appear for the COMEDK UGET exams every year. The seats available through the exam are only twenty thousand. As many students appear for the exam, and only a few seats are available, the exam level is bound to be tough.

Here are some tips, tricks, and ideas to help you prepare for the COMEDK UGET exam easily:

  • Pay attention to the syllabus: One of the most common mistakes that students make when they begin their preparation is that they only glance at the syllabus and do not study it. If you study the exam syllabus, you will know which topics to prepare for and which areas of a topic you need to pay attention to.
  • Know the exam: Another thing that you need to do before you start your preparations is that you need to make it a point to understand the exam. Figure out what the exam pattern is, what kind of questions will you be asked and have a look at the marking scheme of the exam. It is true that you will not be able to prepare properly without the knowledge of what your exam will be like.
  • Create your own Notes: As you know by now, studying with the help of notes is easier. Additionally, it makes your revision easier and faster. Although ready-made notes at tuition centers may seem like a good idea for you to pick up, they will not help you as much as your handwritten notes will. Creating your notes will allow you to understand the intricacies of the subject, and will help you revise what you study. Putting down what you gained from your studying session and cross-checking it with your study material will help you find an easy way of increasing your knowledge.
  • Know your strengths and weaknesses: Before you begin your preparations, you should make sure that you analyze yourself first. Understand where your strengths and weakness lie. You can have a look at the topics and analyze which areas you still need to work on.
  • Create a schedule and stick to it: Creating a schedule will help you streamline your studies and efforts. With a schedule, you will be able to work on your studies and finish the course in time for a revision before the exam. However, creating a schedule is easier than sticking to it. When you create a schedule be mentally prepared to stick to it. Only when you stick to your schedule, you will be able to see the results.
  • Create daily goals: After you make a schedule, make sure that you have a list of daily goals. You should make it a point to stick to your goals. Creating daily goals will help you to make sure that your schedule is in place and you follow it. Furthermore, you will find that sticking to your daily goals will help you to make sure that you finish the course before your exam date.

Addition tips to help you prepare 

Here are some other tips and tricks to help you with your UGET exams and its preparations:

  • When you appear for the exam, start with the section you know the best. This will help you save time.
  • Make sure that you find a balance of work and play. Studying all the time will tire out your mind, and you will not be able to retain anything.
  • Make a schedule for daily revisions. This will help you revise what you study every day.
  • Test yourself time to time and take up mock tests. Solving sample papers will also help you out.
  • Apart from this, get plenty of sleep and eat well. A healthy body is home to a healthy mind.

With the above-mentioned tips and tricks, you will be able to prepare for your exam easily.

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