With technological advancements and radical changes in the professional world, the value of an Arts or Humanities degree has, once again, become a topic of debate. It is not very surprising because this debate exists from time immemorial.
However, the Arts had come to the forefront in revolutionary manners and it is still quite shocking to witness this debate to surface once more.
The Australian government has made announcements that there will be changes in the education department. This stems from immediate changes to be made to compete with present circumstances and the ongoing crisis.
Announcements declaring the changes
Some of the announcements and their consequences are:
- Job-ready courses will witness a drop in their course fees to have more applicants in them. These include law and commerce units.
- Other degrees like the Arts and Humanities subjects will witness a fee hike discouraging more students from applying for the courses. These subjects include teaching, nursing, health, English and languages, and STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).
Humanities subjects have always been the victim in these changes in Australian universities. But many are of the opinion that these subjects have been life-changing, bringing out newer perspectives and worldview of Australian history, terrorism studies and newer perspectives of current affairs.
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Source-The Guardian