Dear readers,

This quiz consists of questions from
various Banking entrance exams held during the last few years. Leave your
answers/ responses in the comments section below and we’ll soon let you know
the correct answers!

Directions (Q. 1-5) In each of
these questions, a question is given followed by   information in three statements. You have to
find out the data in which statement(s) is sufficient to answer the question
and mark your answer accordingly.

1. What is the average age of the six
members A, B, C, D, E and F in the family?

I. Total age of D and E is 14 yr.

II. Average age of A, B, C and F is
50 yr.

III. Average age of A, B, D and E
is 40 yr.

Only I and II

Only I and III

Only II and III

All I, II and III

None of these

2. What is the area of the right
angled triangle?

I. Base of the triangle is X cm.

II. Height of the triangle is Y cm.

III. Hypotenuse of the triangle is
Z cm.

Only I and II

Only II

Only II and III

Any two of three

None of these

3. In how many days will B alone
complete the work?

I. A and B together can complete
the work in 8 days.

II. B and C together can complete
the work in 10 days.

III. A and C together can complete the
work in 12 days.

Only I and II

Only II and III

(3)  All I, II and III

Question cannot be answered even with the information in all the three statements

None of the above

4. What is the rate of interest %
per annum?

I. An amount doubles itself at
simple interest in 10 yr.

II. Difference between the compound
interest and simple interest on an amount of 15000

in two years is ₹ 150.

III. The compound interest accrued
in 8 years is than the amount (principal).

Only I

Only II

Only II and III

Only I and III

Only either I or II

5. What are the marks scored by
Abhijit in English?

I. Marks scored by Abhijit in Maths
are more than his marks in Science by 20.

II. Total marks scored by Abhijit
in Maths, Science and English are 198.

III. Marks scored by Abhijit in
science are more than his marks in English by 12.

Any two of the three

Only II and III

All I, II and III

Question cannot be answered even with the information in all the three

None of the above

6. Which number should replace both
the question marks (?) in the following equation?

(?/576) = (256/?)                    

384              (2) 398            (3) 404             (4) 416                 (5) None of these

7. If the numerator of a fraction
is increased by 200% and the denominator is increased by

350%. The resultant fraction is 5/12.
What was the original fraction?

5/9                    (2) 5/8                (3) 7/12             (4) 11/12            (5) None of these

8. If 3Y + 9X = 54 and  (28X/13Y) = (140/39)   then what is the value of Y – X?

-1               (2) -2             (3) 2                    (4) 1                     (5) None of these

9. The difference between the 3/4th
of 4/5th of a number and 1/6th of 2/5th of the same

number is 648. What is the number?

1110           (2) 1215            (3) 1325             (4) 1440                (5) None of these

10. On a School’s Annual Day sweets
were to be equally distributed amongst 112 children.

But on that particular day, 32
children were absent. Thus the remaining children got 6

extra sweets. How many sweets was
each child originally supposed to get?

24              (2) 18               (3) 15            (4) Cannot be determined       (5) None of these

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1(1)         2(4)         3(3)        4(5)        5(3)     6(1)      7(2)      8(2)     9(2)      10(3)

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