2019 showered many Banking & Insurance Sector vacancies in India. The aspiring candidates who seek jobs in Banking & Insurance Government Job are recommended to look into the details of important exams held in 2019 under the Banking & Insurance Sector.
The aggregate of 2000 vacancies and lakhs of seekers applied for the Probationary Officer (PO) Posts. The Prelims Exam for the same was carried on 8th and 9th June 2019 and its result was announced on 29th June 2019. SBI PO 2019 Mains Exam was held on 29th July 2019 and its result was declared on 24th August 2019.
2. SBI Clerk
There were around 8653 vacancies for these posts of Junior Associates. The bank received lakhs of application for the Junior Associates Posts. The SBI Clerk Prelims Exam was carried on 22nd & 23rd June 2019 and the result for the prelims exam was published on 23rd July 2019. The selected candidates arrived for the SBI Clerk 2019 Mains Exam held on 10th August 2019.
In 2019, IBPS published 4336 vacancies for the recruitment of Probationary Officers (PO) and Management Trainees (MT) in 9 different public sector banks. It considered being one of the largest opportunities for the candidates who aspire to get a Government Banking Job with good salary and perquisites. The Prelims Exam was carried on 12th, 13th, 19th & 20th October 2019 and over 7 lakh candidates emerged for the exam. The candidates who cleared the Prelims Exam were selected for Mains Exam held on 30th November 2019.
4. IBPS Clerk
More than 1lakh vacancies for Clerical Cadre in different 17 Public Sector Banks. The qualified candidates had utilized the opportunity IBPS Clerk 2019 Exam which was held recently from 17th September to 9th October 2019. The exams were carried on 7th, 8th, 14th and 21st December 2019 at different exam centers.
5. RBI Grade B
The dream come true for every banking aspirant. They had announced 199 Vacancies for the Grade B Officer Posts General. The exam was conducted on 9th November 2019 phase 1was conducted in online mode. On 18th November 2019, the RBI Grade B Phase-1 results were announced and the selected candidates emerged for the Phase-2 Exam on 1st and 2nd December 2019.