Dear readers,

This quiz consists of questions from
various Banking entrance exams held during the last few years. Leave your
answers/ responses in the comments section below and we’ll soon let you know
the correct answers!

Directions (Q. 1-5) What
approximate value will come in place of the   question
mark (?) in the following questions?

(47% of 1442 – 36% of 1412) / 63 = ?

4          (2) 5              (3) 3           (4) 6             (5) 1

2. (√7921 – √2070.25) * ¼ = ?

11           (2) 14          (3) 15          (4) 9             (5) 13

3. (341789 + 265108) / (8936 –
3578) = ?

150          (2) 115            (3) 135            (4) 100           (5) 125

4. 29% of 725 = 60% of 315 + ?

28            (2) 30             (3) 15              (4) 18               (5) 22

5. 1595 / 25 * 36.5 = ?

2459           (2) 2329             (3) 2359              (4) 2429               (5) 2349

Directions (Q. 6-10) What should
come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions?

6.    [(94)^2] + [(?)^2]  = 
[(145)^2] – [(56)^2] -3869

5184           (2) 72            (3) 84          (4) 7056            (5) None of these

7. 2115 / ? = 94  *  15

1.25           (2) 2.75            (3) 1.5         (4) 3            (5) None of these

8. [((35)^3) / 70 * 12]
/  25 = 58.8 * ?

6               (2) 8                 (3)14            (4) 22             (5) None of these

9. 518 * ? * 9 = 303030

75               (2) 65             (3) 85            (4) 55             (5) None of these

10. 15.593 – 9.214 – 3 .452 – 2.191
= ?

1.874            (2) 0.686           (3) 2.342            (4) 0.736            (5) None of these

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2(1)         3(2)        4(5)            5(2)          6(2)       7(3)        
8(5)         9(2)        10(4)

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