Dear readers,

This quiz consists of questions from
various Banking entrance exams held during the last few years. Leave your
answers/ responses in the comments section below and we’ll soon let you know
the correct answers!

Directions (Q. 1-5) What should come
in place of question mark (?) in the following questions ?

1. 38 + 16 * 0.8  =  ?

43.2          (2) 50.8        (3) 44.8      (4) 1.9       (5) None of these

2. 1485 * ? = 594

2/5            (2) 3/4             (3) 3/5        (4) 5/6         (5) None of these

3.  2116  +  692 – ? = 1111

1667         (2) 1677          (3) 1687        (4) 1697           (5) None of these

4. 4 + 4.44 + 0.4 + 44.04 + 444 = ?

497.24         (2) 487.66          (3) 496.88         (4) 469.88        (5) None of these

5.  (?)^2 + (65)^2 = (160)^2 – (90)^2 – 7191 

75       (2) 77       (3) 79         (4) 81         (5) None of these

Directions (Q. 6-10) Each of these
questions consists of a question followed by information in three statements.
You have to study the question and statements and decide that information in
which of the statement(s) is/are necessary to answer the question.

6. What is the capacity of the
cylindrical tank?

I. Radius of the base is half of
its height.

II. Area of the base is 616 sq m.

III. Height of the cylinder is 28

Only I and II

Only II and III

Only I and III

All I, II and III

Any two of the three

7. What is the speed of the train ?

(i) The train crosses a signal pole
in 18 s.

(ii) The train crosses a platform
of equal length in 36 s.

(iii) Length of the train is 300 m.

I and III only

II and III only

I and II only

III and either I or II only

Any two of the three

8. What is staff strength of
Company ‘X’ ?

I. Male and female employees are in
the ratio of 2 : 3 respectively.

II. Of the officer employees 80%
are males.

III. Total number of officers is

I and III only

II and either III or I only

All I, II and III

Any two of the three

Question cannot be answered even with the information in all three statements

9. What is the two-digit number ?

I. Number obtained by interchanging
the digits is more than the original number  by 9.

II. Sum of the digit is 7.

III. Difference between the digits
is 1.

I and III only

I and II only

II and III only

All I, II and III

Question cannot be answered information in all three statements

10. How many articles were sold?

I. Total profit earned was ₹ 1596

II. Cost-price per article was ₹

III. Selling price per article was ₹

(1)  II and III only

(2)  I and II only

All I, II and III

Any two of the there

Question cannot be answered even with the information in all three statements

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1(2)        2(1)         3(4)        4(3)         5(5) 
      6(5)         7(4)      
8(5)         9(3)       10(3)

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