The result of written exam for Non- Executive Posts including Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Production) and Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Fire & Safety) has been declared by the Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL).
Candidates appeared in this exam can download their results from the official website of IOCL. IOCL Non-Executive exam was being conducted on 17th November 2019 for selection to the posts of non-executives at IOCL (Guwahati Refinery).
The result has been released in the form of roll numbers. Candidates can check the result by visiting the official website or through the direct link mentioned below.
The official website to check the result and get details on the IOCL 2019 recruitment exam is www.iocl.com .
Steps to Download IOCL Result 2019:
- Visit the official website of IOCL as mentioned above.
- Click on the “Latest job opening” under Careers Tab on home page.
- Go to the PDF “List of candidates shortlisted for Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test for recruitment of experienced non-executive personnel at Guwahati Refinery on the basis of Written Test held on 17.11.2019”.
- Check the result by your roll number.
- Check and download the IOCL result.
- Take a print of the result for future use.
The direct link to check the result is here, IOCL Result 2019 – Direct Download Link.
Candidates selected must appear for Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT). The IOCL SPPT 2019 exam will be held on 09 December 2019 at the office of DGM (HR), Administrative Building, Guwahati Refinery, Noonmati, Guwahati – 781020.
Candidates must bring their original certificates /Mark Sheets /No Objection Certificate (as applicable) as well as attested copies of Certificates/Mark Sheets for the verification purpose. Stay tuned for more updates on the exam.
Stay connected to other applicants through our group, IOCL Recruitment 2019.