It was an atmosphere of zeal and curiosity as the inauguration ceremony of TRYST went underway at IIT Delhi on Friday, February 26. The much anticipated evening was a packed house as the technical minds from institutes across India flocked to the Dogra Hall to witness the event. The event started off with the launch of the theme, “THE FIFTH DIMENSION”, which celebrates the world of possibilities waiting for us out there in the technical field, followed by the launch of the Mega Events based on the same idea.

The ceremony was graced by Mr Salil Pande,
founder of VMock,    Mr Pradeep Sharma, founder of Robosapiens and Chairman, TRYST, Prof. James Gomes. The words of encouragement and
appreciation by the guests of honour set the stage nicely for the days to follow.

ceremony ended with a laser show to mark the launch of the Tryst logo. Tryst is
now officially open, with a bang of course.

The first day of the fest, 27th February
turned out exactly as it was promised. The enthralling guest lectures by Mr Kris
GopalaKrishnan, Mr Kunal Shah, Mr Shailesh Vikram Singh, Mr Sarthak Sethi and
some more, further complemented by the engaging workshops like Rubik’s cube,
Aeromodelling  and competitions
comprising many quizzes were indeed the perfect recipe for a tech extravaganza.

Events like Paper presentation, RoboSoccer, Ecosummit, Lan Gaming and Youth
Parliament amongst others were some of the events attended by the students.
Also, when they were not busy showcasing their technical know-how, the students made sure to have some
fun at the Informal Stage, Food Lane and
the ever popular Laser Tag.

Written by: Ojasvi Alankar

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