The admit card for the online test for Junior Judicial Assistant Posts has been released by the Delhi District Court. Candidates can download their admit card on the official website of Delhi District Court.
Candidates must keep their user ID and password ready in order to download the admit card from the official website. The DDC Junior Judicial Assistant exam 2019 will be conducted on 29th November 2019.
Exam Pattern:
- DDC Exam will consist of 120 objective type questions.
- The subjects and question distribution will be like this, General English & Comprehension (60 Qs), General Knowledge (Including Current Affairs) (30 Qs), and General Intelligence (30 Qs).
- Each right answer will add 1 mark and wrong answer will deduct 0.25 marks.
- Candidates will have 120 minutes (160 minutes for OL/BL Candidates) to complete the test.
Candidates from general category must score 60 Marks (50% of 120 Marks) and from reserved category must score 54 Marks (45% of 120 Marks) in order to qualify the exam.
The official website to download the DDC JJA 2019 admit card is www.delhidistrictcourts.nic.in .
Steps to Download Delhi District Court Admit Card 2019:
- Go to official website od DDC.
- Click on the “Recruitment Notice – Admit Card for the Post of Sr. P.A./P.A./J.J.A” on the homepage.
- You will get redirected to anew page.
- Enter the credentials required to login.
- Check and download the admit card.
- Take a print of the DDC JJE admit card 2019 for further reference.
The direct link to download the admit card is here, DDC Admit Card Download 2019.
Candidates will get selected on the basis of Objective Test, Skill Test, Descriptive Test & Interview round.