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    That dreaded cottage cheese on the back of the thighs is so frustrating for so many women of all sizes. Cellulite is actually just adipose tissue (fat) that ends up looking lumpy because it’s pushing against the connective tissue, which makes the skin above it crumple. One of the most effective ways for fighting cellulite is through diet and exercise. Strength-boosting yoga moves that target the thighs can work wonders in the war against the dimples—yoga tightens, tones, and lengthens the muscles making your skin look smoother.

    Practice these three moves at least three to four times a week in conjunction with a healthy diet, cardio workouts, and lots of water, and you should start to see an improvement in your hips, thighs, and buttocks. Regardless, you will feel great and have more confidence in your swimsuit this summer.

    Eagle Pose
    One of my first yoga teachers swore that this pose was the best for fighting cellulite. Maybe because you have to tighten and tone your inner and outer thighs to hold this pose and really squeeze the thigh muscles firmly. You also have to engage your core end entire lower half of your body.

    Start by bending your knees then crossing your right thigh high above your left thigh. If you can, double wrap the leg so the foot hooks behind the left calf. If this is too challenging, let the foot stay outside or even tap the toes on the floor. Wrap your left arm under your right arm and then press the palms together. Sit even deeper and squeeze your thighs as you gaze down the tip of your nose. Hold for 5 to 8 breaths, then repeat on the other side. This pose is also great for concentration and focus, which can help you make better health choices.

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