Do ask yourself these simple questions, before you read my review.

When was the last time, you wrote someone a letter? When was the last time you asked yourself, what makes you happy? When was the last time you smiled for no reason? When was the last time, you “lived life” as you wanted to?

The movie brilliantly portrays how everyone is busy in their lives, and busy for the sake of others. And they continue to live life the same way, until a stranger walks into their lives and makes them realise that they stopped living, a long ago. The beauty of waiting for letters from someone completely unknown. When there’s nothing more important than to read the other person’s letters and having them in best of your imagination. When the names and faces are not important, only the words and the feelings are. When the meetings happen inside a lunchbox, and not at a coffee shop or a restaurant. When you’re connected to the other person only by heart, not by cellphone or social networking. When you feel like sharing the real you without worrying about the repercussions.

A housewife, who had spent the longest time sending her daughter to the school, making breakfast, lunch and dinner for the family, waits for her husband at night, and repeats this for years. A “sarkari babu”, who has spent 35 years in the government claims office, has died inside long ago. And one day, they wake up and help each other discover a glimpse of all the things in life they have missed out on, finding real happiness. Meanwhile, another character, that of a sincere and honest trainee, will bring tears into your eyes with his heartbreaking tale. And you will love him, for the myriad of emotion he brings out in the viewer.

Happiness, love, life and death, are all displayed in the movie with simplicity that will drive you to see more of it. You would delve deep into the story from beginning till end. The end is as real as it gets, that whatsoever happens in life, it goes on.

The movie is shot with such perfection that it comes across as real. As you leave the movie theatre, the same questions as in the beginning of this review come to mind. And that is the beauty of this film.

Go watch it, feel it, and fall in love with the simplicity of life that you may have forgotten about long ago. I just loved it, you might as well.

Lastly, this was my first ever review of a movie, so I am looking forward to your comments and suggestions to help me improve.

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