Every individual plans a career over a period of years put together. We love to plan and achieve our goals and targets. But one must not forget that its just not about planning, but also about smart execution of our best laid plans.

A career graph should not be a flat line. It should show learning and growth curves. All we must do in life is think clearly and positively.

The best laid plans always fall in place when we work smartly and aptly towards the ultimate goal.

I have grown through my experiences and always learnt from my mistakes. It’s been a tough task when it comes to facing challenges but the silver line always was the moment of realisation when the task was complete.

My career advice to everyone is to persist in what they believe in. Be the best not to compare to others, but prove your own potential.

The golden rule for any professional to be successful is to be the best while working in a team rather than working as an individual. We must encourage team dynamics and team development skills.

Every company will think of us as an asset when we think creatively and uniquely.

We must be assets for the company, and not a liability.

Public Relations Officer, Tasgaonkar Group

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