Staff Selection Commission is expected to announce the result of Objective type exam 2 conducted for Combined Graduate Level (CGL) on October 25. As per the notification released by SSC the date of the declaration of the result was confirmed to be today.
The qualifying candidates will be eligible for appearing for SSC CGL Tier3. The pattern of the question in Tier 3 will descriptive type. The candidates may need to write an essay. The candidates can opt for either English or Hindi.
Important Dates and Exam pattern:
500 Multiple choice questions were there. The topics varied from Statistics to English language. Other topics include Quantitative abilities, comprehension and general studies. Negative marking system was there for English and Comprehension. For each wrong answer, .25 was deducted. The merit list for the shortlisted candidates will be prepared depending upon the result of the round 2. Nearly 1.7 lakh candidates qualified for round 2 after appearing for round 1. There was a tough competition among all the candidates as the seats are very less as compared to the number of appearing candidates.
SSC CGL Tier 1 | 04 to 13 June 2019 |
Result of tier 1 | 20 October |
SSC CGL Tier 2 | 11 September 2019 to 14th September 2019 |
The candidates who appeared for the exam will be able to check their result on the official website www.ssc.nin.in using their specific credentials.
Cut off marks and eligibility criteria for selection:
The questions in SSC CGL exam 2 were considered to be varying from moderate level to a difficult one. Although, the eligibility criteria are different depending upon the category of the candidate, yet the candidates belonging to General Category needs to score 420 to 430 in both the tiers in order to be eligible. But for OBC, SC and ST categories, the range of marks are 380 to 390, 340 to 350 and 320 to 330 respectively.
You can also read, SSC CGL 2019 Notification.