Preetha Reddy, a vice-chairperson of Apollo hospitals said during the inauguration of IIMB’s EPGP 2020-2021 that it’s the time to get back to the culture of maintaining sustainability and taking commitments.
We have moved to innovative learning, with the increase in technology. Thus, we should accept the changes with courage and the ability to fight against the odds. This inauguration function was held on 6 May 2020, online with detailed instructions as per the current situation of COVID-19.
Before getting started with her new batch of executive post-graduate program 2020-2021, she shared some inspirational messages to the students and said one should be courageous and ready to accept the challenges.
During this tough time of a world crisis, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the organisations should be enthusiastic and pioneering. This pandemic will bring continuous change and one should be ready to take over such challenges from then and now.
As the students and participants of the business world, one should follow VUCA called volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. More than that, we should be resilient to see the upcoming opportunities in the crisis to deal with our negative attitude.
What Rajat Mathur said while addressing the new batch?
The principal of Boston Consulting Group, Rajat Mathur has also shared inspiring thoughts while addressing the new batch. He shared his story about his journey as a student, how he met challenges and explained how the course helped him to stand out in front of people. As a student of innovation or business, one should unlearn lessons with an open mind.
Team up with your classmates, identifying your new skills, and taking yourself beyond others expectations; that is the real strength required to develop yourself as an organisation. Do not get biased with your past experiences and studies. Always appreciate the new and be the part of constant change.
The inauguration took place amidst the existence of professor Dr Raghuram Rajan, dean of academic programs, admission and financial aid. Prof. Naryanaswami also addressed the new batch and discussed the nature of the study, scope, and requirements for the students.
The professor. Ojah also shared his experience and details about getting ready for the new batch for their new life and opportunities.
What was the ratio of students in a new batch?
Overall 73 students joined this program which includes 10% females and rest males. The majority of students came from private, public, and NGO sectors.
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Source: The Hindu Business Line