I was born a Bengali, but raised in Ahmedabad – aapnu Amdavad. A city I can never forget. A city which gave me the foundations of my life and my friends. A city which provided a platform to develop and grow.

Being a nocturnal creature, I always was in search for a place that would find me peace right in the middle of hustle-bustle of the city. One such place is the Ellis Bridge. The first bridge of Ahmedabad, it connects the Old (walled) City to the new one. On one side resides an Ahmedabad with a rich cultural heritage and architectural marvels. And on the other, is the business capital of Gujarat, standing tall with its modern skyscrapers and urban development. In between lies the Sabarmati river, which has seen it all and witnessed the change the city has gone through since 600 years. And over this river is the Ellis Bridge.

At night on Ellis Bridge, cool breeze kisses your face and leaves you calm. As the traffic eases, only the occasional bus or car crosses it. But when it does, the whole bridge shakes and you can feel the vibrations that are as amazing to experience as they are hard to explain in words. My friends and I carry our guitars to the bridge and play music. Songs are sung, poems are written, politics and football are discussed. All the while, the Sabarmati flows below.

Not far is the Bhatiyar Gali, famous for non-vegetarian street food. It opens only after dark, and is heaven for nocturnal gluttons such as me. We shovel everything in sight down our mouths, and then after much burping go back to the same old spot on Ellis Bridge. By early morning, when we are dead tired, we head home.

Ellis Bridge is a creative hangout for us. We have written innumerable songs, jotted down many articles and poems, and have discussed almost everything possible here. I recommend all Amdavadis to experience the kick of Ellis Bridge at least once. You don’t need any intoxication to aid you here.

“Iss jagah ke nashe me kho jaao. Yaaro ek baar to Amdavad Aao.”

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