The results have come out and I have got 98.86

Some would say “So near yet so far”. Some would say “not to lose hope and try to get into one of the new IIMs, NITIE, IIT Delhi”. But I had already made my decision. Even before the results were announced.

Let me explain why.

After completing my BTech in 2010, I started working in an IT company where life revolved around work and football. I randomly picked up Rashmi Bansal’s book “Stay Hungry Stay Foolish” and after reading the book, there was a belief that an MBA would help me to achieve my dreams of starting a football academy. I prepared very hard for CAT 2011 and 2012 where I got 95.1 and 94.6 respectively.

Last year when I saw my results, I was simply reduced to tears. During that dark moment of my life, I observed that – The good thing was that I improved my work ethic and made some great friends on this journey but sadly enough, I did not get any closer to my dream than where I was 2 years before.

In 2013, I decided to chart a different path

– learned Ruby on Rails which helped me to create websites for the ideas in my head. The interest grew so much that I left my company where I was working on a prehistoric language and joined a Ruby on Rails startup recently.

– met a lot of people from different fields ( founders of football organisations, NGOs, startups etc ) to know how to take small steps towards my dreams.

– worked part time for a football project.

– attended meetups and joined Toastmasters.

– designed a brochure for a NGO and made a calendar for fundraising.

– joined a running group and ran a half marathon which increased my energy and self belief.

Many would say that some of the different things could have been done along with CAT prep but I doubt whether many of us think beyond the boundaries of this game. Unless we are hurt. Like me ?

My mistakes were :

– Kept waiting for the perfect scenario to get started ie. get into a top B-school, and then start doing my things

– Thought that the important and difficult questions in my life would be answered magically during the course of an MBA degree. Questions like

What is the one skill which I can leverage for the rest of my life ?

How can I design my life based on the parameters of success I have defined for myself ?

How can I spend more time with the family and yet do the work that matters ?

– Was so focused on the feline, that other things like health, family, work, travel took a backseat.

I share my story to bring a different perspective to the table which I feel is important. This is your life and you are allowed to make your own decisions. And you are allowed to make your own mistakes.

Just remember that the story is more important than the degree.

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