Going to NIT Trichy’s Prgyan’16? Read on to know what this ISO 9001 & 20121 certified techno-managerial fest has in store for you.

This year, Pragyan will have 47 events to choose under 8 clusters. These clusters include Code It, Manigma, Chillpill, Amalgam, Core Engineering, Landscape, Out of the Box and Robo Vigyan. The events under each of the cluster hope to tap every aspect of the spectrum of Science, Technology and Management. Events like Code It, Manigma, Chill pill, Robo Vigyaan, are all sure to keep your brains working. And there are some attractive prizes also in store to be won.

Pragyan will also be hosting workshops conducted by professionals like IBM’s cloud computing workshop or Amazon’s Web Services. Get a hang of the Stock Market and Financial Planning with SEBI’s interactive session. Crime scene re-construction, astrophotography, soil foundation analysis, automobile prototyping and so on are of your interest don’t forget to register at Pragyan. You don’t want to miss the bus for this one!

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