CAT 2023 Exam: Here are CAT exam day guidelines and do’s and dont’s for the November 26 exam
Hey there! With CAT 2023 scheduled for tomorrow, we want to share some friendly advice. Now is the perfect time to shift your focus to a smart, last-minute preparation strategy. We know the MBA entrance exam can be a challenge, but this phase is crucial for mastering its intricacies.
With less than 24 hours left until the exam on November 26, it’s time to gear up and take the necessary steps to shine in CAT 2023. The exam will be two hours long and will be conducted in three sessions. The first session is from 8:30 am to 10:30 am, the second from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm, and the last one from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
CAT 2023: Admit Card Information
Possession of the CAT admit card is obligatory for entry into the exam centre; hence, candidates should ensure it is downloaded prior to the exam day. It is recommended to obtain two copies, with one copy intended for submission at the exam centre. The admit card contains crucial details such as the test centre location, exam slot, reporting time, and other pertinent exam-related information.
Below is the step-by-step process to download the CAT admit card for 2023:
- Visit the CAT website: iimcat.ac.in
- Click on the ‘login’ tab
- Enter the CAT 2023 application number and password
- Navigate to the ‘admit card’ section
- Click on ‘download’
CAT 2023: Exam Day Document Requirements:
For entry into the CAT exam centre, candidates must ensure they have the following documents:
CAT Admit Card:
- Candidates must bring two printed copies of their CAT 2023 admit card, each affixed with a recent photograph (preferably matching the one uploaded during the application). Entry will only be allowed with both the CAT admit card and a valid photo ID.
Identity Proof:
- Alongside the admit card, candidates need to carry a photo ID proof. Acceptable options include College ID (supported by a valid debit/credit card), employer ID, driver’s license, passport, PAN card, Voter ID, or Aadhaar card.
Name Change Document:
- If a candidate has undergone a name change, they must carry the relevant name change certificate or document.
PwD/Scribe Certificate:
- PwD candidates should bring a certificate confirming their status, and those requiring a scribe must have the scribe certificate attested by the competent authority if they intend to use scribe services.

CAT 2023 – Last-Minute Preparation Strategy and Tips
Revise important Formulas and Concepts:
- Focus on revising key formulas, concepts, and shortcuts in each section.
- Prioritise topics that you find challenging or tend to forget.
Stay Calm and Relax:
- Take some time to relax and destress. A calm mind is crucial for effective problem-solving.
- Engage in activities that help you unwind, such as light exercise, meditation, or listening to calming music.
Read Instructions Carefully:
- Familiarise yourself with the exam pattern and instructions.
- Ensure you understand the marking scheme and negative marking, and plan your strategy accordingly.
Focus on Accuracy:
- In the final hours, focus on accuracy rather than attempting too many questions.
- Avoid unnecessary guesswork that could lead to negative markings.
Healthy Meals and Hydration:
- Consume a balanced and light meal to keep your energy levels up during the exam.
- Stay hydrated, but avoid excessive caffeine intake, which may lead to nervousness.
Sleep Well:
- Ensure you get a good night’s sleep before the exam day.
- A well-rested mind performs better, so avoid staying up too late for last-minute cramming.
Check Exam Essentials:
- Confirm the location and reporting time for the exam.
- Ensure you have all necessary documents (admit card, ID proof, etc.) ready.
Positive Visualisation:
- Visualise yourself entering the exam hall confidently and tackling questions with ease.
- Positive visualisation can help boost your confidence and reduce anxiety.
Plan Breaks During the Exam:
- Strategise when and how you will take breaks during the exam to manage time effectively.
- Short breaks can help you stay focused and maintain concentration.
Remember, the last 24 hours are not the time for major learning but for consolidating what you already know. Stay calm, focused, and confident.
CAT 2023: Do Not Attempt Instruction For D-day
- Candidates are prohibited from bringing mobile phones and Bluetooth devices into the exam centre.
- Wearing electronic devices, including watches, is not permitted for those appearing for the CAT 2023 exam.
- The presence of metal-containing jewellery or any other metal items is restricted within the CAT 2023 exam hall.
- Footwear with thick soles, as well as garments with large buttons, will not be permitted.
CAT 2023: CAT 2023 Exam Day Checklist:
- ✔ Verify and carry the original ID proof along with the printed CAT 2023 admit card.
- ✔ Affix a recent photograph of the desired size on the CAT 2023 hall ticket. Ensure it matches the one uploaded during the application process.
- ✔ After the exam, deposit the CAT admit card in the provided drop box.
- ✔ Use the provided pen and scribble pad during the exam. Both items must be returned after the exam concludes.
- ✔ While appearing for the CAT 2023 exam online, use only the provided mouse. Avoid using the keyboard, as doing so will lock the computer system.
- ✔ Do not carry mobile phones, electronic gadgets, watches, calculators, personal stationery items, pens, wallets, or goggles into the exam hall.
- ✔ Agree to a non-disclosure agreement before taking the CAT 2023 exam. This agreement prohibits the disclosure, sharing, transmission, or storage of any exam-related information, whether verbal or written, electronically or mechanically, for any purpose.
Candidates with a valid CAT 2023 score will be allowed to register for admission to postgraduate (PG) programmes at the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and other participating colleges.
Good luck, and you’ve got this! Don’t forget to discuss the CAT 2023 Exam Paper only on Pagalguy
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