The new admit card for the exam for the position of Bin Sachivalay Clerk & Office Assistant (Class III) Posts has been released today by the Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board (GSSSB), also known as Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal.
Candidates appeared for GSSSB Clerk and Office Assistant 2019 can download their admit card from OJAS (Online Jobs Application System), Gujarat. The 2019 exam for the post of Bin Sachivalay Clerk & Office Assistant is scheduled to be on 17th November 2019.
Earlier the GSSSB exam was scheduled to be on 20th October 2019 for which the admit card were released on 1st October 2019. Candidates can download the 2019 admit card from the official website as well as from the direct link mentioned below in this article.
The official website of GSSSB to download the admit card and get details on GSSSB Clerk and Office Assistant is www.ojas.gujarat.gov.in . Candidates must go through the below points to check and download the admit card.
Steps to Download OJAS Admit Card 2019:
- Visit the official website of OJAS as mentioned above.
- Click on the “GSSSB/201819/150 – Clerk & Office Assistant – Class- III’ Link at the right corner in Examination Call Letter Tab” link on the home page.
- You will be redirected to a new window.
- Select Job and provide the details.
- Check your admit card appeared on the screen
- Take a print out of the admit card as required.
The direct link to download the admit card is here, GSSSB OJAS New Admit Card Download Link. Candidates must have their confirmation number and date of birth in order to download the admit card. The admit card will contain exam related details such as venue, time on GSSSB Clerk and Office Assistant Call Letter.