This is the ninth year that the centre is running the series of free evening lectures and networking sessions which take place during the months of October and November and recommence in January and February. The Enterprise Tuesday evenings are open to all Cambridge University staff and students, other universities and members of the high tech business community and forms part of the entrepreneurial elective on the Cambridge MBA degree.

Each Enterprise Tuesday focuses on a specific element of how to turn an entrepreneurial concept into a reality, covering such subjects as motivation, recognizing opportunities, advice on how to pitch ideas, building a dream team, matching business ideas with sources of funding and understanding why mistakes happen and how they can be turned into opportunities. Its aim is to introduce participants to the world of business, as well as to encourage and inspire individuals to pursue their entrepreneurial ambition.

The first lecture of this series will take place tonight on October 21, 2008 at 1800hrs & will be lead by Richard Green, CEO of Ubisense, Paul Webster, Co-founder and Director of Ubisense, and Professor Andy Hopper CBE FREng FRS, Head of Department at the Computer Laboratory.

For further details, visit:

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