So here is one more socialist who clams to make Delhi a corruption free state if his party comes in rule in coming LS election. Appreciated his talent and his thought but what i am concern about is that, Does he have the support of people even half of the population of Delhi?

He is fighting alone for us, for our country, for our people and he needs our support to drive and take our country to the next level. I don’t have to give a introduction of Arvind Kejariwal and I don’t have to tell you his sacrifices also. Have you ever thought why he chooses the country over a IAS officer job? He is doing so to make us breath in a free india. We talk all the bullshit about BJP vs Congress or NDA Vs UPA or MODI Vs Rahul. But i don’t even imagine that any on of these names (which is intriguing every where in new and all street side ) have any thing new they blame each other and they don’t bother about people of county they just want to rule in center (Delhi).

We all talk about politics in watch TV read news paper but it will not create that difference which we need to take our country to the next level. We are happy to compare our self with CHINA and being named among growing economy countries. We need to stand and pull up our shocks because simply by sitting and saying our country has corrupt politician nothing can happen to this country. Dude get up.. where are you ? You are living in a democratic country and if you wish you can change the nation u know.

All I want to say that Please think from your point of view and join AAP and help AAP in any ways financially or socially if you really concern about the country and being a responsible citizen.

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