A girl child is a “girl” child and will always be one though how modern your family might behave. You might provide her every facility that you provide to your son but there would be a difference in terms of time deadlines or going places etc. Things might look similar and fair on the upper front but when there are hard times, you get to realize as who the real kids are considered. Though for you mother you are same but for people around, they’ll always prefer their sons as they are the “vansh” of the families. They have to be given everything and at times the share in the property has to be increased gradually with years (though law states it to be equal)(girls are convinced to do so and they happily do it for the well being of the family). A girl child never needs all this because all what she demands is just and fair treatment and equal share in “love” because anyways she has to go to the second family (as per traditions). For a mother, her children are equal as she has nurtured them equally in her womb without any biasness but our customs, keeping fasts, expectations are always from/ for the sons because even today having seen all kind of families, the preference is a son. Families having all female children distributed within generations always hope for a guy if some female is expecting. People still try to have a son in hope of continuation of their “kin”. Having all girl children means end of the “sept.”

I just hope that in this world, I come across a family where there is equal treatment among the children on the upper front as well as internally. That day would be the day where a girl child will be freely breathing without any sense of discrimination in her mind or soul.

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