Hi, Can someone advise me on the IIT’s Stuart GSB’s MBA/MS Financial Market Program in Chicago Illinois. Kindly comment on the following: - Course Contents. - Educational Experience. - Job Prospects. - Alumni Network. - Prog…
Can someone advise me on the IIT's Stuart GSB's MBA/MS Financial Market Program in Chicago Illinois. Kindly comment on the following:
- Course Contents.
- Educational Experience.
- Job Prospects.
- Alumni Network.
- Program Strenght.
- International Outlook.
- Financial Aid.
Can someone advise me on the IIT's Stuart GSB's MBA/MS Financial Market Program in Chicago Illinois. Kindly comment on the following:
- Course Contents.
- Educational Experience.
- Job Prospects.
- Alumni Network.
- Program Strenght.
- International Outlook.
- Financial Aid.
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Am not pretty sure of it. But heard that Alumni network and course contents are very good over there. I think educational experience is also there.
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