Hi All!!! The Nov/Dec-2009 intake applications for GMBA at SPJCM has started. This thread would discuss all the queries/issues/experience/finance, everything one needs to know relevant to college. There are lot many deferred candidates…
Hi All!!!
The Nov/Dec-2009 intake applications for GMBA at SPJCM has started.
This thread would discuss all the queries/issues/experience/finance, everything one needs to know relevant to college.
There are lot many deferred candidates as well as seniors in this forum who can help us out with all our questions. Feel free to post your queries and we all will try to get you the answers.
All the best to future aspirants.
Link to spjain: S.P.Jain Center of Management, Dubai . Singapore
Link to Official thread : http://www.pagalguy.com/discussions/ask-sp-jain-school-of-global-management-dubai-singapore-sydney-official-admission-query-thread-25019365
Link to April 2009 intake: http://www.pagalguy.com/discussions/sp-jain-singapore-dubai-gmba-april-may-2009-intake-25035130
Note: The above link has lot many discussions which can be referred.
Hi Raj
I understand you have defererd your admit to dec 2009. could you let me know your profile. Also i heard placements havent been good this year. I have a gmat score of 680 and an IT exp of 4+
Hi Raj
I understand you have defererd your admit to dec 2009. could you let me know your profile. Also i heard placements havent been good this year. I have a gmat score of 680 and an IT exp of 4+
GMAT: 640
Exp:4.5 in IT
Grad: B-tech NIT
its true...that the placement this year hasnt been good....more because of the market scenario as u know....
Dear ALL !!!
Thanks to Raj for initiating the SP Jain GMBA NOV 2009 intake thread.
Well this is Sharekh here and I am along with Raj as a deferred admit for SMM NOV 2009.
Guys If you have any queries related to admissions or need any clarifications, please feel free to ask.
My Profile :
SP Jain SMM NOV 2009
SPJAT - 90 Percentile
Work Ex - 4.5 yrs (till Nov 2009) IT Sales & Marketing.
Based in Middle East, looking after EMEA regions.
thanx sai for starting out this thread...............
nov 09 - smm............
work ex - 5+ yrs...........
b-tech cse nit jal............
sharekh, .....buddy.....
i think i missed ur PM......
can u send me an email @ [email protected].....
cheers man.....
Dear ALL !!!
Thanks to Raj for initiating the SP Jain GMBA NOV 2009 intake thread.
Well this is Sharekh here and I am along with Raj as a deferred admit for SMM NOV 2009.
Guys If you have any queries related to admissions or need any clarifications, please feel free to ask.
My Profile :
SP Jain SMM NOV 2009
SPJAT - 90 Percentile
Work Ex - 4.5 yrs (till Nov 2009) IT Sales & Marketing.
Based in Middle East, looking after EMEA regions.
Hi folks,
Thanks a lot for starting this new thread for SPJCM's Nov 2009 intake. Well, I am Arnab and here is my profile:
CAT 2008 score: 95.91%ile
Graduation: 9.6/10 CGPA (Electronics and Communications Engineering)
Work Experience: IT (ERP), 3 years (No onsite so far :lookround:)
Extra-curriculars - Nothing spectacular but of course small things can be shown if required...
So, what are my chances of converting if I get a call? What are they basically looking for in a candidate?
Hi folks,
Thanks a lot for starting this new thread for SPJCM's Nov 2009 intake.Well, I am Arnab and here is my profile:
CAT 2008 score: 95.91%ile
Graduation: 9.6/10 CGPA (Electronics and Communications Engineering)
Work Experience: IT (ERP), 3 years (No onsite so far :lookround:)
Extra-curriculars - Nothing spectacular but of course small things can be shown if required...
So, what are my chances of converting if I get a call? What are they basically looking for in a candidate?
looking at ur profile..i feel u shud get a call for evaluation...
converting the call is entirely depend on u....ur profile will
take u to evalution...and then its upto u..how u do in interview....
coming to last point..wat they are looking for in a candidate...depends wat specilazation u opt for.....
Hi all,
"The S.P Jain Aptitude Test for November 2009 will be held on the first Saturday or Sunday of the months of June, July & August (Tentative)"--mentioned by Rutty Bharucha in the official thread.....
its one month left....so all u guys..best of luck.....
sharekh, .....buddy.....
i think i missed ur PM......
can u send me an email @ [email protected].....
cheers man.....
No issues Rajat, Sai and me are in touch with the further developments of the admissions. However I will be visiting the SP Jain Dubai campus and Hostel in the next week, if you or any of the aspiring guys have any relevant questions which we can be found out at the college, I would be more than happy to help.
Best Regards,
I have deffered my admission to December batch in HR. I have 1.5 years of work ex in IT and did computer Engineering.I am presently working with Infosys.I have also converted Goa Institute of management.Can u plz suggest which wud be better option GIM or SP jain dec batch?
Hi Puys,
I have deferred my admit to Dec-09 batch:
My Profile:
Cat-08 %ile:95.51
Btech: 72.2%(ECE) NIT Trichy
I have convert of GMBA-RM
All Deferred Nov 09 SPJCM GMBAites,
Official Google group is as follows,
Please join !!
And update the database.
Rajit Kaushik
Hi Everyone....and Congrats to all the candidates through to the SP Jain Dubai/ Singapore....
I am an aspirant for the November 09 intake. Would need a guidance about how i should go about the admission and wat chances do i hold??
Xth- 79.2%
XIIth- 64.2%
B.Tech(AE&I;)- 71.6%
Work Ex- 2 years and 2 months with IBM India Pvt. Ltd. as on 31st Oct 09 (as reqd by SP Jain)
No great Extra curriculars to boast about.
CAT 2007 score- 90.35 %tile.
Planning to appear for the SPJAT.
Wat are my chances for the call and selection. I am basically interested for the GHRM as my 1st preference and SMM as the 2nd. Which course wud be easier to get through with my profile......would IT management be a good option???
Please guide me through as dont have much info about the college....and finally....whats the placement scenario this year like avg salary and all...coz its lots of money....so got 2 see the return on investment....he he
all the best to the fellow aspirants.....may alll of us get selected...
Thanks in advance....
Hi All,
This is saurabh. I have applied for Nov 2009 intake at SP jain Singapore and opted for IT.
Below is my profile:
X - 88%
XII - 86
BTech: 8/10 (CGPA) - ECE
Working at 3i Infotech Ltd, chennai 2 years of exp
Oracle Certified Associate, working with Liberty Insurance as one client right now.
Office bearer at school and college level.
Will my profile apt to get shortlisted?
One more query is that i dnt carry CAT , GMAT score, so i wish to take up the SP jain aptitude test. So my profile wil get shortlist after i send my aptitude test score or before ?
I gave CAT in 2006 which is not valid for Nov intake and scored 91%. But cud nt make up as desired!!!!!
Please clarify, i will be thankful
Dear All
Please SP jain MBA aspirant
Share your experiences of SP jain Aptitude test...It will help to structure our preparation as well......
It would benefit alot.
Thanks n cheers
would GMAT score of 2007 be accepted. Please do throw some light
shwetha.libra Sayswould GMAT score of 2007 be accepted. Please do throw some light
Hi Shweta,
As far as I am aware of the GMAT scores taken by SP Jain, you are allowed to submit scores which are no older than 2 years. You can confirm the same, with the SP Jain Admissions team.
Hi All,
This is saurabh. I have applied for Nov 2009 intake at SP jain Singapore and opted for IT.
Below is my profile:
X - 88%
XII - 86
BTech: 8/10 (CGPA) - ECE
Working at 3i Infotech Ltd, chennai 2 years of exp
Oracle Certified Associate, working with Liberty Insurance as one client right now.
Office bearer at school and college level.
Will my profile apt to get shortlisted?
One more query is that i dnt carry CAT , GMAT score, so i wish to take up the SP jain aptitude test. So my profile wil get shortlist after i send my aptitude test score or before ?
I gave CAT in 2006 which is not valid for Nov intake and scored 91%. But cud nt make up as desired!!!!!
Please clarify, i will be thankful
Hi sbh_3i,
You can apply now...bt ur profile will be entertain once u submit ur score....