Toughness Rating: {Qn Nos.} Type,Sub Type / No. of Qs 24: {13-15} Business,Strategic / 3 23: {8-12} Biology,Anthropology / 5 22: {27-31} Business,Strategic / 5 21: {43-47} Education,Descriptive / 5 20: {21-26} Business,Strategic / 6 …
Toughness Rating: {Qn Nos.} Type,Sub Type / No. of Qs
24: {13-15} Business,Strategic / 3
23: {8-12} Biology,Anthropology / 5
22: {27-31} Business,Strategic / 5
21: {43-47} Education,Descriptive / 5
20: {21-26} Business,Strategic / 6
19: {70-75} Science,Geology / 6
18: {85-90} Soc Sciences,Strategic / 6
17: {91-96} Soc Sciences,Behavorial / 6
16: {97-102} Business,Strategic / 6
15: {117-122} Biology,Descriptive / 6
14: {123-128} History,Economic / 6
13: {135-141} Business,Strategic / 7
12: {103-110} Science,Geology / 8
11: {76-84} Biology,Descriptive / 9
10: {1-7} Biology,Behavorial / 7
9: {37-42} Biology,Behavorial / 6
8: {58-63} Business,Strategic / 6
7: {64-69} Biology,Descriptive / 6
6: {51-57} Business,Descriptive / 7
5: {111-116} Science,Astronomy / 6
4: {129-134} History,Descriptive / 6
3: {16-20} History,Economic / 5
2: {32-36} Business,Theoritical / 5
1: {48-50} History,Economic / 3
Is the Preponderance of Busniess RCs by chance or is that the case with actual GMAT ? Comments Requested.
Toughness Rating: {Qn Nos.} Type,Sub Type / No. of Qs
Is the Preponderance of Busniess RCs by chance or is that the case with actual GMAT ? Comments Requested.
hi parag.....
where did u get the OG 11 frm..???i have tried here but it isnt available until oct 7....n im takin gmat in 15 days..
can u lend it to me for a day to xerox it if ur from mumbai...i can come n pick it up n return the same day....
I you two strike a dealt. I am in. I would also like o have a copy, unlss he mods decide to ban me for abetting copyright infringement.
denish SaysI you two strike a dealt. I am in. I would also like o have a copy, unlss he mods decide to ban me for abetting copyright infringement.
i hope im not goin aginst the pg law....all i im askin for is some kind help wid the material!!!
Guyz, PG gives due respect to copyrights..
As long as u wont use PG in any form (even as mediator) for infringing copyright's i dont think it will be a prob..
Hi eternal_insane no probs in u asking for a favor i think but dude u cud have PMed him..else many guyz see u r post and start asking him the same..and after few days some one comes up with a link for download..and eventually leads to infringement of copyrights..
So i suggest u guyz use PM facility for asking personal favours..dont post unless u think it will help others....
Thanks for the advice... will remember this.
Is the Preponderance of Business RCs by chance or is that the case with actual GMAT ? Comments Requested.
I got mine hand carried from US. The whole operation (ordered and delivered in US & then carried to Chennai by someone known and then couriered to Delhi) took about 15 days - but it was worth it. The explanations are just too good.
But I presume by now it must have shown up in Jawahar Book Depot (near IIT). Thats what will happen, they had assured when I had checked with them about a month back.
& FINALLY - some one answer my question (above) please
hey guys,
i am preparing from the 10th edition of O.G.... do u think i need to look at the 11th edition...wont the 10th edition suffice??
im wriitng my Gmat on 11th Nov...that leaves me with a month exactly from now on.....any tips to that i could maximise my score
Hi All,
Plz tell me how much prior do one have to apply for the gmat.
and how can i apply online for the same.
hey guys,
i am preparing from the 10th edition of O.G.... do u think i need to look at the 11th edition...wont the 10th edition suffice??
im wriitng my Gmat on 11th Nov...that leaves me with a month exactly from now on.....any tips to that i could maximise my score
You can register for the test, online at - keep you credit card handy.
How prior - nothhing fixed - depends on whhat rush is there on the dates you want. If you plan early enuff you are sure to get the particular date -- else you will have to choose from the dates available. You can check for available dates before registering for a particular date.
Hope that helps.
Hi All,
Plz tell me how much prior do one have to apply for the gmat.
and how can i apply online for the same.
If you have time go thru the OG 11 - the Explanations are much better then OG 10. However qs are >60% overlap with OG 10.
Tips - may be this will help.
hey guys,
i am preparing from the 10th edition of O.G.... do u think i need to look at the 11th edition...wont the 10th edition suffice??
im wriitng my Gmat on 11th Nov...that leaves me with a month exactly from now on.....any tips to that i could maximise my score
hi guys,
this is with respect to recommendation letters.
i wuld like ot knwo if its amandatory affair to get the recommendation letter of ur manager on the letter aid or a personal note will do.
some companies have certain norms in issuing letter aids and i would like to have a clea rpicture abt it..
kindly let me know asap
hi guys,
this is with respect to recommendation letters.
Wrong place. Please look at some thread related to GMAT. You will get lots of tips.
am preparing for cat,is og11 rc really helpful:)