Hi All, finally i gave my GMAT today and as usual verbal let me down but nevertheless i crossed the 700 barrier so as say. :: :: the only consolation is 51 in QA. it did not let me down this time as it had happened in earlier CATs …
Hi All,
finally i gave my GMAT today and as usual verbal let me down but nevertheless i crossed the 700 barrier so as say.
the only consolation is 51 in QA. it did not let me down this time as it had happened in earlier CATs
if u think i am worthy of giving any suggestions , kindly post. it will be a pleasure to help you all.
Kya Baat hai Ustaad,
Yaar you got a gr88 score ...... now Its your turn to help me & others who are going to take gmat sometime soon...
BTW, vis-a-vis the kaplan 2006 CD tests... where would you put you gmat experince ????
hey congrats for the good score..:-)
ahmadazeem777 Saysnow Its your turn to help me & others who are going to take gmat sometime soon...
sure man...ne time :)
where would you put you gmat experince ????
will do that very soon here only..me very tired after taking the exam. so, wil do it tonite or tommorow
oye yaar...
Good score man - congrats!!!
What abt the standard norm??? I mean where is the "this is how i cracked GMAT" post???
And yeah - what next??? What schools do u have in mind?!?!
the only consolation is 51 in QA.
Hey Amit,
Congratulations on crossing the 700 barrier...and pal, don't call the Q crack a consolation!!! Q51 is as good as it can get...
Just out of curiosity, what was the approx % of Prob Solving/DS in your Q?
Also, did you get a boldface on V?
Again, great job...
iday SaysWhat abt the standard norm??? I mean where is the "this is how i cracked GMAT" post???
was very tired yesterday..will do it by today eve
hi amit,
good to know tht u crossed 700.u gave test @ delhi center?
pls tell me sth abt the test atmosphere?
also i need tips on verbal section sply SCs,which i started firstly in my prep.
amitnsitian Sayswas very tired yesterday..will do it by today eve
Amit Bhai, when will you answer to my earlier post on this thread...????
Hope that I would find a DEEEEEEEETAILED Analysis of your GMAT Exp soooooon.

After being unsuccessful in CAT thrice, I decided to take GMAT. I started preparing but I was not able to concentrate fully and with full vigor. This was because there was no time pressure on me. So create that, I took a date right away on April 1. The date I decided was 26th June 2006.
Tip No. 1 Take the date first and then only you will be serious
Now, I had some pressure to complete the task. I had already bought OG 11 and Princeton Review. I also arranged Kaplan verbal book, the Kaplan CD and GMAT and an older PowerPrep CD. I gave one of the tests of PowerPrep and scored a 630. This helped to analyze my strong and weak areas. Maths was not a problem at all but English was a concern. In English, SC and RC were problematic and CR was not that much an issue.
Tip No. 2 Take a test and identify your strengths and weaknesses
Then, I started with PrincetonReview English and went to complete the English part of the book. Then I starting taking Princeton Test every weekend and was scoring 640 680. This bogged me a bit but then I was not demotivated. To elevate my mood, I used to do some maths. This use to cheer me up. But then I use to do some silly mistakes in maths too. I realized neglecting maths is a suicide.
Tip No. 3 Dont work just on weaknesses; practice your strength areas too
I picked up OG and completed Maths in one go. Started doing OG and then I came to know about gmatter. It had an amazing pool of questions. Started practicing them and finished Sentence Correction and RC. Now, I picked up Kaplan and gave a test. I scored a 570 and that day I thought that I am not going to do an MBA for rest of my life.
Tip No. 4 Dont be disheartened by your first Kaplan Test performance
Then I picked up Kaplan and read the tutorials in the CD and finished all the tests given. In the meanwhile, I use to keep taking Kaplan Tests and I scored 610, 620 and 640 in that order. After this, took up OG again and started from scratch. Meanwhile, I had received my own PowerPrep CD. I took the test and scored 670 and 690. My performance was improving but that 700 figure was still eluding me.
Tip No. 5 Dont become overconfident with 2 or 3 good performances
Then I realized that I have not put in any effort for my AWA. I hunted for the ARCOs book and started reading it like a story book everyday. With a week to go, I took leave from work and revisited Kaplan. I arranged 5 crack GMAT tests for the last 5 days. My scores were 635, 665, 605, 605 and 605. getting a score of 605 less than 24 hours before my exam made me cry. Then, I took a last chance and took one PowerPrep test that was remaining in the evening before the exam. I know its not advisable but I had no option. I gave the test and scored a 710. This boosted my confidence and I scored the same the next day.
Tip No. 6 Believe in yourself
nopes, gave it in mumbaiamitx| Saysu gave test @ delhi center?
its really very very quite and comfortable. every one is given a cubicle for the test. you are allowed to carry just your passport and locker key inside the test area. no watch, no wallet and even no handkerchief.amitx Sayspls tell me sth abt the test atmosphere?
practice, practice and practice.|amitx Saysalso i need tips on verbal section sply SCs,which i started firstly in my prep.
we have a thread also for the same.
iday| SaysWhat abt the standard norm??? I mean where is the "this is how i cracked GMAT" post???
i sent my score to ISB, NUS, CMU, UCB and emory|iday SaysWhat schools do u have in mind?!?!
Bostonian| SaysCongratulations on crossing the 700 barrier...and pal, don't call the Q crack a consolation!!! Q51 is as good as it can get...
Bostonian SaysJust out of curiosity, what was the approx % of Prob Solving/DS in your Q?
i think it was around 50-50. intially i had 2 DS, then a deluge of PS, then 3 DS and then PS and then last 8 or 9 DS questions. and those 9 were the toughest questions i had ever faced in my life.
Bostonian SaysAlso, did you get a boldface on V?
yup, i did but only one and i am quite sure i got it wrong

|Bostonian SaysAgain, great job...
thanks again 😃
Hi Amit, a very good post indeed. Buddy if you could recollect, where there any question on P & C and Diffrenciation, maxima & minima (a guy who got scored 780 in gmat, told that he got many question from these areas)?????
& BTW now that you are done with your exam please start to contribute at pagalguy GMAT GYAAN MEET.
Thankx in advance.
ahmadazeem777| Sayswhere there any question on P & C and Diffrenciation, maxima & minima
yes, there were some 3 or 4 questions in the 20 - 30 qs range
|ahmadazeem777 SaysBTW now that you are done with your exam please start to contribute at pagalguy GMAT GYAAN MEET
how do u do that? excuse me for my ignorance
got my official score card thru mail.
got 5.5 in essay
that completes my GMAT journey
got my official score card thru mail.
got 5.5 in essay
that completes my GMAT journey
good score Amit.... It was really nice of you to come & meet me in Taj at such a short notice..