Congrats everybody who have made it to GIM… Please post here who all will be joining GIM fr sure… and will actually make GIM Batch of 2006-08. Please write ur - 1. Name 2. Xat percentile 3. Educational background 4. Job expe…
Congrats everybody who have made it to GIM...
Please post here who all will be joining GIM fr sure... and will actually make GIM Batch of 2006-08.
Please write ur -
1. Name
2. Xat percentile
3. Educational background
4. Job experience
5. Location
Congrats again from all seniors @GIM
I have converted GIM...

This is My Profile...
Name: Rahul Singh
Work Ex: 1yr:In Marketing & Admin
XAT: 96.97%ile
All of those who have converted GIM and are planning to join...
Join The Club...
Congrats everybody who have made it to GIM...
Please post here who all will be joining GIM fr sure... and will actually make GIM Batch of 2006-08.
Please write ur -
1. Name
2. Xat percentile
3. Educational background
4. Job experience
5. Location
Congrats again from all seniors @GIM
I think there are too many threads for GIM Batch.....
I have also started one..If you dont mind sir..lets continue on that thread or vice-versa....
My thread is..
Goa Rockers:GIM Batch 2006-08
I think there are too many threads for GIM Batch.....
I have also started one..If you dont mind sir..lets continue on that thread or vice-versa....
My thread is..
Goa Rockers:GIM Batch 2006-08
Threads Merged.


Congrats Rahul and others who are yet to append to this list. Welcome to GIM.
I am bracing for a flood of queries. 😃 . But I am sure I and others will only be too glad to handle them.
Welcome to Club GIM.
We at GIM are responsible for shaping the Future.
As a Manager, you are entrusted with a lot of responsibilities & at GIM, you learn how to discharge those responsibilities in the best possible manner.
Please do post your profiles.
1. Name
2. Xat percentile
3. Educational background
4. Job experience
5. Location
We would be starting a Yahoo group for the Batch of 2006-08 soon.
Till then, Research on GIM & Goa.
Go GIM.:)
iam through.
GIM 2006 Shortlisted Candidates Results
XAT IDNAMEGenderShortlisted - Status136450Mahesh PadmanabhanMALEYes
Congratulations, you are on the selected list for admission to the PGDBM (2006-200 of our Institute. The details are communicated to you by our letter.
DISCLAIMER : This electronically generated information does not have legal validity. Candidates selected for the Post Graduate Programme in Business Management (2006-200 of Goa Institute of Management will receive official communication by mail.
hi frnds,
me too through...
name:savi aman singh
xat score:93.4
work ex:nil
congrats to all.....
me in the second wait list..
name:anjan mehrotra
anil can u plz tell me how many ppl got through last their anyone in ur batch who was in the second waitlist last yr..
and they also haven't given my waitlist no. and how many ppl r there in the first list? ...would i be gettin my no. in the letter..
n sorry i forgot to write my xat %ile..92.32
no work ex
bcom(hons.)..delhi uni
plz reply soon anil
hi guys anyone 4m kolkata 9th mar gd/pi grp. 2 pm batch who i sselectd
with lord mangeshis help i am through.i am the person who is most emotionally attached to this college and also the seniormost member because it is my birth place(gim was previousely ribandar hospital) and after 24 years i am returning back.i thank god.
i m in second list.. 99.83 %, awesum gd n pi .. excellent acads.... can any1 tell me d reson?
Every day is different. Institute requirements are different. You perform different in different situations. I don't think there is any need for a post-mortem.

Bachelor of management sciences
good gd,excellent pi's...

and congrats to all who are through!
oops sorry! not sure about joining right now....waiting for a couple of other results,confused i'll post again when i'm confident about joining...:)
maheshkalavara Sayswith lord mangeshis help i am through.i am the person who is most emotionally attached to this college and also the seniormost member because it is my birth place(gim was previousely ribandar hospital) and after 24 years i am returning back.i thank god.
congrats mahesh,
Welcome back to GIM...:) ... Place is same as u left it 24 yrs back... .... only difference seems to be tht earlier it used to cure physical problems... now its more abt mental patients

Congrats to happi, anjan, rahul and others too....
About anjan query regarding how many from waiitng list of 50 cud make it to GIM finally?... the figure it arround 35.
So all of u who r in the waiting list (or they call it second list, a list of 50 students) have really fair chances of making it to GIM ( looking at last years figure 35 out of u 50 r going to make it to GIM)... details abt ur rank in th waitlisted candidates will be out only after 10 april.
All selected candidates chill out.....enjoy
and sleep well... as u r going to get hardly any in ur first term

am sure to cum in n rock with u guys out there...
name: rajat
xat : 93%ile
education : BBM
location : vizag
cant wait to b ib goa!!!!!!!!!
hey guys,
my details r like this:
Name : Tapan Oza
XAT percentile : 87.2
academics : BE (metallurgy)
Work ex : 3 yrs (ESAB India/Hindalco)
location : baroda