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RRB Group D Syllabus 2018

RRB conducts exam every year for various posts providing opportunities for the candidates willing to take up the job in Indian Railways. In order to prepare for the exam, it is important for the candidates to be aware of the exam pattern and the syllabus for the exam.

The RRB Group D selection process involves 4 steps:

 Exam Pattern for the Computer- Based Test:

Section Number of questions
General Intelligence & Reasoning 30
Mathematics 25
General Science 25
General Awareness & Current Affairs 20
Total 100

The exam will be of objective type questions. The total time duration will be 90 minutes for general candidates and 120 minutes for the PWD candidates. The question will have 4 sections and it will be available in 15 languages.

Syllabus for the RRB Group D CBT:

Only by having a thorough knowledge about the syllabus, the candidates should start preparing for their exams. Following is the syllabus for RRB Group D:

Analogies Coding & decoding Relationships
Jumbling Data interpretation & sufficiency Similarities & differences
Classification Statement – arguments & assumption Alphabetical & number series
Mathematical operations Syllogism Venn diagram
Conclusion & decision making Analytical reasoning Directions
Number system Decimals LCM Ratio & proportion
Mensuration Time & distance Profit & loss Geometry & Trigonometry
Square root Calendar & clock BODMAS Fractions
HCF Percentage Time & work Simple & compound interest
Algebra Elementary statistics Age calculation Pipes & cistern
The syllabus for the General Science section will involve the subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Life science of class 10 level.
Current affairs in science & technology Culture
Sports Famous personalities
Awards Economics and politics etc

Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for RRB Recruitment 2018 Group D

Physical Efficiency Test:

The candidates who qualify in the CBT will be allowed for the PET. This round will have some tasks separately for both men and women. The candidates should perform the required tasks and qualify this round in order to get selected for the next process.

Document Verification and Medical Examination:

The candidates who have qualified in both CBT and PET will be called for the Document Verification process. Here, the qualified candidates will be asked for some necessary documents. The documents must be provided by the candidates for the verification process. Once the candidates’ documents are verified, they will be called for a medical examination. After successfully completing the Medical examination, the selected candidates will be recruited for their respective jobs.

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