Why distance learning should be a big NO NO!

It is very important for a student to know the plus and minus points before he/ she opts a mode of study.Despite the popularity of distance learning programs, they have several drawbacks. * **Let’s discuss a few disadvantages of Distanc…

It is very important for a student to know the plus and minus points before he/ she opts a mode of study.

Despite the popularity of distance learning programs, they have several drawbacks.

Let's discuss a few disadvantages of Distance learning:

1) Distance learning is isolated

2) Distance learning lacks social interaction

3) Distance learning format isn't ideal for all learners

4) Some employers don't accept online degrees

5) Distance learning requires adaptability to new technologies

6) Distance learning lacks student motivation

7) Distance learning lacks immediate feedback

8) Distance learning might involve hidden costs

9) Distance learning involves the risk of fraudulent and invalid degrees

10) Distance learning lacks oral communication skills

11) Distance learning lacks quality assessment and feedback, which hinders learning]

12) Distance learning lacks digital literacy

However, INLEAD offers all Full time courses which are of great advantage to students. Even while recruitments and placements a student who has pursued a full time course is always preferred over a student who has studied from a distance learning institute.

Courses offered at INLEAD are:

1) International Hotel Management

2) Event Management & Public Relations

3) Healthcare Administration

4) Infrastructure Management

Why should you choose to study at INLEAD?

1) Full time courses

2) 100 % interaction between students and professors

3) 100 % knowledge about digital literacy

4) Personalized academic progression

5) Format provided ideal for students

6) Immediate feedback is provided to the students

7) Recognized degree is offered in collaboration with Mewar University

8) Extensive industry expo

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