Web site of UBS Chandigarh

Hi Can anybody please let me know the website of UBS, Chandigarh? gauri


Can anybody please let me know the website of UBS, Chandigarh?




Thanks a lot.


Hi Gauri n puneet
are u ppl going for UBS
they have another site http://ubschandigarh.com , a little diff from the one u have listed here.even i wanna go for it, i m from chd only.
how bout u ppl
Kamal 😃


That site is completely different and does not look like a b-school site!!

Ok tell me how good is this UBS??


Well one friend of mine was there pretty satisified he was.. but then a word of caution do not expect too much from ubs it might not be able to come upto the high expectations u have..

go thru some links here

for more info..


read this also for some more info


this one is for placements


hope this helps



well to add one the site of ubs which is there is


or simply this



i hope someone who is currently in UBS or an alumni replies to this mail....I wud like to know is it worth going for UBS in comparison to institutes like , IMI, IMT, Symbi or KJ Somaiya..

This year they had good placements,so is the trend here to stay or just another windfall?????????

Plz Plz reply somebody



i hope someone who is currently in UBS or an alumni replies to this mail....I wud like to know is it worth going for UBS in comparison to institutes like , IMI, IMT, Symbi or KJ Somaiya..

This year they had good placements,so is the trend here to stay or just another windfall?????????

Plz Plz reply somebody



iPlz Plz reply somebody


Hey...don't be so desperate...it maybe that there aren't many people in this thread...afterall its a lazy Sunday afternoon and most of the Junta are licking their wounds after XAT.
P.S.: As far as comparisons are concerned IMI,IMT,KJ Som rank higher than UBS though some wud argue abt KJ Som
hope someone who is currently in UBS or an alumni replies to this mail....I wud like to know is it worth going for UBS in comparison to institutes like , IMI, IMT, Symbi or KJ Somaiya..

Hi there...

I have had friends who have passed out from UBS and are now working, is a decent school no doubt and u being from chandigarh would have soft corner for it as well. Placements shud be good this yr as the economy is alive n kicking...

But if given a choice, i'll pick IMT, Symbiosis (SCMHD then SIBM), IMI and somaiya over UBS anyday owing to the reputation they enjoy, the infrastructure they have and ofcourse placements.

Rajat Khungar
MBA, Class of 2005
NMIMS, Mumbai