With the short-list being put out for various institutes affiliated with SIU, it’s time to boost the preparation for WAT and PI. Let’s gather all the expected topics for WAT and all the expected questions for PI. We can also put our own essa…
With the short-list being put out for various institutes affiliated with SIU, it's time to boost the preparation for WAT and PI. Let's gather all the expected topics for WAT and all the expected questions for PI.
We can also put our own essays for the proposed topic and have discussion on them, but please abstain from "Bakar".
PS: The rules of this thread will be in-line with general rules on PG, no abuse(personal/public), no advertisements and no fights.
Following are some of the WAT topics listed by me:
1. Corruption(in India and across the world)
2. Financial Crisis in Europe
3. Fall of Lehmann Brothers
4. Violence against women(in India and across the world)
5. LGBT rights across the world
6. Elections in India
7. Rise of AAP
8. Various scams in India: a. Adarsh Scam, b. 2G scam, c. Coal allocation scam, d. Satyam scam, etc.
9. Diplomatic relations of India and USA
10. Business Ethics
11. Companies Bill 2012
12. Importance of CSR(Corporate Social Responsibilities)[http://regenesys.co.za/2013/11/importance-corporate-social-responsibility/]
13. Arab Spring
14. Lokpal Bill 2013
15. Food Security Bill 2013
16. Hyderabad Blues: Is Telangana a good idea?[http://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2013/08/06/opinion-hyderabad-blues/]

Well.. the thing I would stress on the most for anyone attending PI sessions is.. Don't have standard answers. You'll come across many websites lisitng out the most probable questions and answers that would be asked in PI, do go through the questions.. but not the answers! The interview panel would have interviewed atleast a thousand guys in their experience and by book.. every one of us should be different. The reason why I want to do an mba and why in so and so college would be very different from others. The interview panel can detect standard answer like the foul stench of a rotten egg from a mile Away. Have your own answers. Let it be very genuine and unique. The latter part would be taken care of if you introspect and be true to Yourself In finding out answers. Like why mba, etc.. all the best fellow puys. Do share other 'common' important things. 👍
Hi Guys.. please suggest how to prepare for wat/pi for SNAP.
Hi guys ,
whats the WAT's duration ...???
Ok guys, here is something which I have arrived at, through logical reasoning 😛 :
- For Case based essays, it's more towards deriving a conclusion or deriving various implications of the given case. So, here also "Creativity" lags behind "Logic".
I found this link while 'googling' for Interview experiences at Symbiosis. Hope it helps those who need it.
Puys, plz tell me if we need to give our choice in the PI regarding the one we wish.
are we supposed to arrange the docs in any particular format. Do we need to put an index in the beginning. Pls suggest. Dis will be my first PI/WAT.
Format of Biodata for SIU Interview(for those who might not have received):
Hi Puys,
hi guys!!
If there's a topic say "NaMo should be the next PM"
Can we take a neutral stand ? Or we have to write in for(of the topic)?
@Dmalhotra1990 @rks012
people ... lets start ou own lil WAT session for us .. v cn cum up wid a topic ...post on it fr a day ... and review each udrs ... wt say ?
i had mentined 3 months for the workex.. but i had written it with regard to the work with NGO.. and they didnt pay me for this...will there be some problem on this . in the interview ??? guys pls help.. #deeplyworried!!!
Topic for tomorrow:
Do share your essays guys and gals! :)