How to remember words?How to improve vocabulary?How to improve word power?This kind of problems is faced by so many people…I have tried so many books "word power made easy"or reading articles and underline words or note down words and…
How to remember words?
How to improve vocabulary?
How to improve word power?
This kind of problems is faced by so many people....
I have tried so many books "word power made easy"
or reading articles and underline words or note down words and search meanings after reading article or searching meaning at the same time.
I tried to memories the words.
I have tried to find top gre word list. find meaning of each word and then try to make sentences of that word.
But most of the things can't work. Because in real life we don't use those words.
Let see how mind can store new things or co-relate word and its actual meaning.
positive, pleasant images
vivid, colorful, sense-laden images
humor! Funny or peculiar things
image three dimensions
titles of Articles of current events/news
Movie dialogues
So based on that I try to make my own scrap book for my practice. I want to work out on each word.
So see How did I make this blog?
Word i remember and try to do more info on that
search company names which have English meaning
Search GRE, TOEFL, CAT top word list and try to search words i think i can use in my communication. or I like to use it.
Search movie names from having English meaning.
Read times of India editorial from epaper and make a list of word new for me and try to research on that word.
Once I have word.
I search meaning of it from wordweb software and google search.
check out synonyms
check out example of word usage.
Now i search Hindi meaning of that word using english to hindi dictionary online
and Gujarati meaning using
After that I try to search that word on and copy good images on my scrapbook
and let my mind to understand word based on different images.
Once i do that exercise
I try to search that word in English movie scripts
"Word" site:
"Word" site:
"Word" site:
If i found movie i had watched or word usage is good then i copy part of that script and put it on my scrap book.
search this to google "Start a YouTube Video at any Specific Time"
Word Usage in English Song
search word from News website
Word Usage in recent news
"Word" site:
"Word" site:
"Word" site:
"Word" site:
Once I get all things I open up photoshop and try make a image using all info and write blog article which help me to make my word power strong.So here I like to share this with you so you can make a difference and win any kind of entrance exam or can make your English better by using right words at right time.Best of luck for your endeavor.....Some technical stuff i used to improve this bloghow to add pages in footer in blogger?how to add facebook popup like box to blogger?How to add contact form into your Blogger?