VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur - Admissions 07

Hi JMETers, Find answers to all queries related to VGSoM in this thread…Even if u have a small doubt/query…Just shoot the question right away…We will be more than happy to help u all… Hemant Rawat VGSoM Class of 2007

Hi JMETers,
Find answers to all queries related to VGSoM in this thread...........Even if u have a small doubt/query...Just shoot the question right away...We will be more than happy to help u all....
Hemant Rawat
VGSoM Class of 2007

Junta... start shooting!

Anything under the sun... regarding VGSOM, JMET, MBA@IIT or even general counseling or gyan... pls feel free to post.

vijitgpt Says

For RC, I wud suggest u to build good reading habits n comprehend while u read. That will help u 2 increase ur reading speed. Before u start readin the passage, go thru the questions. Read the passage part by part, & aftr each part go back 2 the questns & answer the factual questions related to that part. If out of 6 qs, u hav answered 4-5 qs while reading half the passage, u can very well jump 2 the next passage(entirely upto u ).
Answerin the inference qs is generally a bit risky, bt if u hav undrstood the passage well enuf, u shudnt hav any probs.
Hope it helps.
Abinash Patnaik
Batch of 2008
vijitgpt Says

Read...try to start of with something you like...and read as much of it as you can take at one go!
I know that most people recommend you go with editorials...but it has not really been my strategy. I read any and everything I can lay my hands on. Try to understand the meaning of the words by their placement in the sentance, and their context. Write it down....then after you do about 20-30 words, check with the dictionary.
After a week of reading about 40 pages every day, you will be astonished at your improvement in guessing the meaning of words.
You have some time on your hands, so I would suggest you do sample papers both before, and after studying. Take time over your preparation. You have it as of now...Use it well.
I had a 99.something percantile in both JMET and CAT Verbals...dont ask about my Quants though. :grin:

Hi, this is Plaaban (B.Tech,Elec&Telecom;). I've found that the online form available at the roorkee site for JMET bears the ADMISSIONS for 2003 tag.Should dat form be printed and sent ???? i'm not able to find out?? the last date for online form is 3rd OCT. so plz help me out...
awaiting ur reply....

hiii submarine,
i have a few queries regarding JMET.... like how is the verbal section in JMET? is difficulty level same as CAT or somewhat on the lower side? and what about RC .. are the Q will be inference based or direct question will be there..... i heard that quant is really tuff in JMET so will have to rely on verbal.... give some idea about test papers and rank and final calls also..

Read...try to start of with something you like...and read as much of it as you can take at one go!
I know that most people recommend you go with editorials...but it has not really been my strategy. I read any and everything I can lay my hands on. Try to understand the meaning of the words by their placement in the sentance, and their context. Write it down....then after you do about 20-30 words, check with the dictionary.
After a week of reading about 40 pages every day, you will be astonished at your improvement in guessing the meaning of words.
You have some time on your hands, so I would suggest you do sample papers both before, and after studying. Take time over your preparation. You have it as of now...Use it well.
I had a 99.something percantile in both JMET and CAT Verbals...dont ask about my Quants though. :grin:

one more query.....
whats the average salary and opportunity here...... i dont know much thts why asking abt this .... soplz reply.... how is the position ofIISC in JMET? is it come after all IITs or have its own position in MBA field also..... can u give idea abt wht rank will be required for getting call from all institutes in JMET..
thnx in advance..

Hi Plaban,
I havent seen the form for myself.However u can mail the concerned people in IIT Roorkee and clarify from them.


Hi, this is Plaaban (B.Tech,Elec&Telecom;). I've found that the online form available at the roorkee site for JMET bears the ADMISSIONS for 2003 tag.Should dat form be printed and sent ???? i'm not able to find out?? the last date for online form is 3rd OCT. so plz help me out...
awaiting ur reply....

" or sending the application by post (OFFLINE submission), JMET 2007 brochure and application form can be obtained by post from the GATE office of the zone OR in person through cash payment from the Bank (Bank details of respective IISc and IITs are given below) of the zone in which the test city, selected by the candidate, is located. The request, accompanied by two self-addressed slips and a demand draft for Rs.800/- (Rs.400/- for SC/ST categories) drawn in favour of the Institute concerned, has to be sent to the Chairman of the respective GATE office."
what are these self addressed slips ?
IIT-R is conducting this so insti concerned wud be iit-r only, i hop iam not wrong

Hi cruiser,
I dont have much idea about the JMET exam as I wrote it last to last time ( presently I am in second year )....Someone from first year batch will surely answer ur query shortly.
However I have an answer for the second query.The avergae salary is 7 lacs plus for VGSoM,IIT Kharagpur( that too with a bigger batch size than all IITs). Last year ie for our seniors as the batch size had increased from 50 to 85 there was huge change in profiles offered and a trend in shift from IT to other fields like Mktg, Fin, Consulting and even HR was witnessed. For our batch the summer internship ( which is for 6 months ) has been for all profiles and our batch ( which is 120 in size) is expected to have further diversification in the final placements. The average stipend for summer internship being offered is also increasing with an average of 10 K + for us and for our junior batch it should be much more as the stipend that the companies are offering on campus has increased considerably for the next batch.

hope I answered ur queries...
VGSoM Class of 2007

one more query.....
whats the average salary and opportunity here...... i dont know much thts why asking abt this .... soplz reply.... how is the position ofIISC in JMET? is it come after all IITs or have its own position in MBA field also..... can u give idea abt wht rank will be required for getting call from all institutes in JMET..
thnx in advance..

I am in no position to say whether IISc is above or below IITs . More so I dont wnat to start a debate and would like to refrain from any such comments......Ask someone from IISc about their program.....They will be in a better position to mak eu count the benefits of studying in IISc MBA....

one more query.....
whats the average salary and opportunity here...... i dont know much thts why asking abt this .... soplz reply.... how is the position ofIISC in JMET? is it come after all IITs or have its own position in MBA field also..... can u give idea abt wht rank will be required for getting call from all institutes in JMET..
thnx in advance..

Self addressed slips are stick on slips in which a person writes his/her full mailing address.They are used when the concerned institute will send u the admit card, call letters or any other communication from their side.U get such slips in the market

Since JMET is for the IITs the institue in question has got to be IIT Roorkee

" or sending the application by post (OFFLINE submission), JMET 2007 brochure and application form can be obtained by post from the GATE office of the zone OR in person through cash payment from the Bank (Bank details of respective IISc and IITs are given below) of the zone in which the test city, selected by the candidate, is located. The request, accompanied by two self-addressed slips and a demand draft for Rs.800/- (Rs.400/- for SC/ST categories) drawn in favour of the Institute concerned, has to be sent to the Chairman of the respective GATE office."
what are these self addressed slips ?
IIT-R is conducting this so insti concerned wud be iit-r only, i hop iam not wrong

Hi cruiser_cusat, Apart from what my dear friend Hemant has mentioned, I suggest you go to the websites of those institutes that you are interested in. All the websites will carry placement related information, academic related information, etc. and will surely help you out.

one more query.....
whats the average salary and opportunity here...... i dont know much thts why asking abt this .... soplz reply.... how is the position ofIISC in JMET? is it come after all IITs or have its own position in MBA field also..... can u give idea abt wht rank will be required for getting call from all institutes in JMET..
thnx in advance..

hi just wanted to clear up one doubt,is the applying for jmet enough for the iit-s and the iisc?i mean do we need 2 separately apply for the insti-s too??

alekhya Says
hi just wanted to clear up one doubt,is the applying for jmet enough for the iit-s and the iisc?i mean do we need 2 separately apply for the insti-s too??


As was the scene till last year, you needed to apply to the individual institutes once the JMET score is out - depending on the score and your requirements.

thnx a lot,got that initially,but jst wantd 2 b assured by u ppl

so basically here goes another 800 bucks behind the draft!!

thnx a lot,got that initially,but jst wantd 2 b assured by u ppl

so basically here goes another 800 bucks behind the draft!!

Its worth every penny....... and more 😃

:grab: First all of I want to ask how vgsom is different from other b schools is it at par with sjmsom .Also other details like

1) Infrastructure .
2) Avg salary drawn by a fresher with no prior wrk exp.
3) How rigorous is the prog.
4) Work load is it same as that in a typical good Eng college means same assignments and all that mundane work.
5) Are there any foreign placements.
6) wht are the college timings .
7)Do students get some time for enjoying.
How is Kharagpur as a place .I guess its not so modern.
9)Wht abt hostel facilities .