Ever considered taking up a job in Paris, London, Germany, New York? A placement abroad according to us is an opportunity to develop a broader perspective, great exposure to the culture, a chance to interact with people coming from different walks…
Ever considered taking up a job in Paris, London, Germany, New York? A placement abroad according to us is an opportunity to develop a broader perspective, great exposure to the culture, a chance to interact with people coming from different walks of life.
Here are 10 reasons why we think you should consider working abroad:
1) Improve Your Language Skills - whether you work in London or Europe, English is widely spoken all across the World, Exposure to foreign languages.
2) Explore Yourself – Working abroad and living by yourself gives you the exposure to explore your inner self, the hidden talent which you may or may not have explored until now. You will also discover that there are no limitations in life. Success is inevitable.
3) Work Ethic - Working abroad enhances a. You'll be succumbed to a different system that you will find yourself working harder than you usually do to get yourself familiar with it. I found in America that I was able to choose a lot more classes that I wanted to do, rather than being restricted to a handful from my University back home. Also, I was constantly studying because that's what everyone did! Thankfully, it has still continued now that I am back.
4) Gain Confidence – Decision making while living alone, decision making at workplace both in a way help in gaining confidence, you mentally become more mature and confident and you know the answer to what you're doing is right or wrong etc. You will grow in your independence and self-reliance throughout your tenure at work.
5) Great Learning Experience – Working abroad definitely becomes an “experience-of-a-lifetime” that will give you memories to cherish forever. Interacting with colleagues coming from different backgrounds is learning in itself.
6) Experience Real Time Freedom – While living independently and working abroad, you attain a sense of freedom. You are your own master (when you're not work). Leaving your country and settling abroad for work itself gives you that freedom which you may or may not have achieved if you were here.
7) Exposure to projects – Working abroad provides great exposure to employees and involves them in newer and different projects as and when required. They're involved in several activities which provides them great learning.
8) Travel, cuz you're young – Explore, travel and experience things you never even imagined to. You're young, travelling and working abroad shouldn't be an issue at all. In the coming years mobility might be an issue, so make the most of the freedom while you're young.
9) Networking – Working abroad will definitely help you in building your professional and social connections. This is a great way to know what your friends; colleagues are doing in their respective fields. When you're all by yourself, it is essential to build a strong network. These maybe the people who you can rely and depend on.
10) Higher Salaries - Expats or employees who usually take on international assignments are paid much more and as a matter of fact, we are paid more because the currency rate is much higher in destinations like USA and UK.
Apart from UK, Germany, the Middle East is a hot destination nowadays, thanks to tax-free salaries of up to £40,000.
In totality we can say that working abroad is no doubt demanding and challenging, it is a rewarding experience. You will not only learn about the corporate world but also about yourself. You will gain a lot of exposure, in terms of self-confidence, as well as improve organizational and personal skills. You will also discover what areas of business interest you at a very early stage of your career, which is vitally important when it comes to applying for jobs when you leave university. Most importantly, a work placement abroad gives you great creditability.
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