To re-take or not to re-take the GRE?

Hi, My GRE scores are as follows, quant-166, verbal-157, awa-3.5. I am looking to apply to MS in computational science/statistics/data science at stanford, harvard, berkeley, U of san fransisco, U of california, NYU, etc. The top institutes…


My GRE scores are as follows, quant-166, verbal-157, awa-3.5. I am looking to apply to MS in computational science/statistics/data science at stanford, harvard, berkeley, U of san fransisco, U of california, NYU, etc. The top institutes published the AVERAGE GRE scores on their website as quant-163, verbal 160 and awa-4.

It will be good to have feedback on whether I should retake the GRE to increase my verbal & awa score to the avg. of the top institutes or should I work more on the sop and recos in these last 2-3 months before application deadline. In other words is a 3 point higher score in verbal and 0.5 point higher score in awa more important than the sop & recos?
