Time and again it has been proven: united we stand, divided we fall. And now, with less than a month for TISSNET, when we need to scan through our GK notes, year books, and delve deep into the internet world, we can do it together. Post any…
Time and again it has been proven: united we stand, divided we fall. And now, with less than a month for TISSNET, when we need to scan through our GK notes, year books, and delve deep into the internet world, we can do it together.
Post any social awareness topic/ question along with the answer. Open Discussions of various Topics. Seniors will always help us, they have been kind so far, and will be gracious enough to make us, their juniors,ready for the D-day.
PS: Let us not make this an admission-query thread. Let us keep it purely informative and intellectual.
Lets roll! {2013-2015 batches of TISS: We are here}

I start with an easy question:
The state attracting highest investment,both in domestic and foreign investments?
b)Tamil Nadu
TISS, this time, has an unpredictable format. I am most worried about:
@TISSian @gdm4u87 Please guide us regarding the direction in which we need to move. I mean, the topics and the type of questions we should follow.
We shall be really grateful.
@dashe It's Odisha. https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct;=j&q;=&esrc;=s&source;=web&cd;=3&cad;=rja&sqi;=2&ved;=0CD4QFjAC&url;=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dnaindia.com%2Fmoney%2Freport_odisha-pips-gujarat-in-foreign-investment-race_1756748&ei;=NmvJUOzNDYuIrAeUkoFA&usg;=AFQjCNHiM5K9NBD0Fgv_Lo0RX4Iox3rk3w&sig2;=jmRHbCXo_kF9cAieRj0GKA&bvm;=bv.1355272958,d.bmk
@thePANDA said:I start with an easy question:The state attracting highest investment,both in domestic and foreign investments? a)Maharashtrab)Tamil Naduc)Odishad)Bihar
more questions pandaji...
Why are there so few takers for this thread? It should be one of the busiest in Nov-Dec
Anyway, will there be HR-related questions this time round?
@Mattmurdock : I tried, but I am unable to do it alone. I have been very busy so I am unable to,lets say, promote this. But anyways, HR- related questions as in? There will be questions on social awareness. Basically on poverty,rural population, current progress in the social welfare schemes,etc. Hr related questions, I doubt. Seniors need to share info soon.
when will the admit cards arrive???
Which date is reffered to as “date of commencement of the constitution”?
a. 15 august 1947
b. 26 january 1947
c. 26 january 1950 d. none of the above
2. Our national flag was adopted on
a. 22 july 1947
b. 15 august 1947
c. 22 august 1947
d. none of these
3.constitution of india has(at time of adoption)
a. 390 articles
b. 395 articles
c. 292 articles
d. 142 articles
4.our national song and national anthem was adopted on
a. 26 january 1950
b. 24 january 1950
c. 15 august 1947
d. none of these
5.constitution of india has…….schedules
a. 10
d. 13
6. Articles 242-243O deals in
a. scheduled and tribe areas
b. panchayats
c. official languages
d. the municipalities
7. Which articles of our constitution deals in fundamental rights?
a. 1-4
b 5-11
c. 12-35
d. 36-51
8.originally, how many fundamental rights were listed in our constitution?
a. 5
c. 7 d. 8
9.which articles deals with right to equality
a. 14-18 b.19
d. 25-28
10.how many sub rights are given under “right to freedom”?
a. 4
11. Our constitution was adopted on?
a. 26 jan 1950
b. 26 november 1949
c. 26 jan 1948
d.none of these
12.which of the following article provides that “ our constitution is neither too rigid nor flexible”?
a. article 361
b. article 362
c. article 368
d. article 369
13.constitution of india has
a. 20 chapters
b. 21 chapters
c. 22 chapters
d. 24 chapters
14.right against exploitation is listed in which articles
a. 20-21
b. 22-23 c.23-24
d. 25-28
15. Which of the following is not the type of writ that can be issued by courts?
a. mandamus
b. habeas corpus
c. certiorari
d. preclomation
16. Right to property, which was once one of the fundamental right, is listed in which article?
a. 23
d. 31
17.”right to information” came into force on?
a. October 21, 2001
b. October 12, 2005 c. October 15, 2006
d.none of these
18.directive principles are listed in which articles?
a. article 36-51
b. articles 34-47
c. articles 40-56
d. none of these
19.the amendment code for Indian national flog came into effect on?
a.26 jan 2003
b. 26 jan 2004
c. 26 jan 2005
d. 26 jan 2006
20.president of india must be
a. 25 years of age
b. 30 years of age
c. 35 years of age
d. none of the above
21. Which amendment act enables the elected memvers of the legislative assemblies of the UT's of delhi and puducherry to take participate in the election of president? a. 70th amendment act, 1992
b. 42nd amendment act, 1992
c. 51st amendment act, 1992
d. none of these
22. Which article of our constitution provides the procedure of removal of president?
a. article 60
b. article 61
c. article 62
d. artcle 63
23. Which of the following was youngest to become president?
a. giani zail singh
b. neelam sanjiva reddy
c.v.v giri
d. zakir hussain
24. Pranab mukherjee is india's
a. 14th president
b. 16th president
c. 15th president
d. 13th president
25. Who was oldest to become president?
a. giani zail singh
b. v.v giri
c. r. venkataraman
d. a.p.j abdul kalam azad
26. Name the vice president who died in office?
a. g.s pathak
b. b.d jatti
c. krishan kant
d. none of these
a. 15 august 1947
b. 26 january 1947
c. 26 january 1950 d. none of the above
2. Our national flag was adopted on
a. 22 july 1947
b. 15 august 1947
c. 22 august 1947
d. none of these
3.constitution of india has(at time of adoption)
a. 390 articles
b. 395 articles
c. 292 articles
d. 142 articles
4.our national song and national anthem was adopted on
a. 26 january 1950
b. 24 january 1950
c. 15 august 1947
d. none of these
5.constitution of india has…….schedules
a. 10
d. 13
6. Articles 242-243O deals in
a. scheduled and tribe areas
b. panchayats
c. official languages
d. the municipalities
7. Which articles of our constitution deals in fundamental rights?
a. 1-4
b 5-11
c. 12-35
d. 36-51
8.originally, how many fundamental rights were listed in our constitution?
a. 5
c. 7 d. 8
9.which articles deals with right to equality
a. 14-18 b.19
d. 25-28
10.how many sub rights are given under “right to freedom”?
a. 4
11. Our constitution was adopted on?
a. 26 jan 1950
b. 26 november 1949
c. 26 jan 1948
d.none of these
12.which of the following article provides that “ our constitution is neither too rigid nor flexible”?
a. article 361
b. article 362
c. article 368
d. article 369
13.constitution of india has
a. 20 chapters
b. 21 chapters
c. 22 chapters
d. 24 chapters
14.right against exploitation is listed in which articles
a. 20-21
b. 22-23 c.23-24
d. 25-28
15. Which of the following is not the type of writ that can be issued by courts?
a. mandamus
b. habeas corpus
c. certiorari
d. preclomation
16. Right to property, which was once one of the fundamental right, is listed in which article?
a. 23
d. 31
17.”right to information” came into force on?
a. October 21, 2001
b. October 12, 2005 c. October 15, 2006
d.none of these
18.directive principles are listed in which articles?
a. article 36-51
b. articles 34-47
c. articles 40-56
d. none of these
19.the amendment code for Indian national flog came into effect on?
a.26 jan 2003
b. 26 jan 2004
c. 26 jan 2005
d. 26 jan 2006
20.president of india must be
a. 25 years of age
b. 30 years of age
c. 35 years of age
d. none of the above
21. Which amendment act enables the elected memvers of the legislative assemblies of the UT's of delhi and puducherry to take participate in the election of president? a. 70th amendment act, 1992
b. 42nd amendment act, 1992
c. 51st amendment act, 1992
d. none of these
22. Which article of our constitution provides the procedure of removal of president?
a. article 60
b. article 61
c. article 62
d. artcle 63
23. Which of the following was youngest to become president?
a. giani zail singh
b. neelam sanjiva reddy
c.v.v giri
d. zakir hussain
24. Pranab mukherjee is india's
a. 14th president
b. 16th president
c. 15th president
d. 13th president
25. Who was oldest to become president?
a. giani zail singh
b. v.v giri
c. r. venkataraman
d. a.p.j abdul kalam azad
26. Name the vice president who died in office?
a. g.s pathak
b. b.d jatti
c. krishan kant
d. none of these
27.first acting prime minister of india?
a. lal bahadur shastri
b. v.p singh
c. charan singh
d. gulzari lal nanda
28. Who was youngest to become prime minister of india at the age of just 40?
a. gulzari lal nanda b.rajiv Gandhi
c. v.p singh
d.charan singh
29. Oldest to become prime minister of india?
a. indira Gandhi
b. morariji desai
c. v.p singh
d. charan singh
30.who was first prime minister to step down after vote of no confidence?
a. rajiv Gandhi
b. indira Gandhi c.v.p singh
d. Chandra shekhar
31.first prime minister to die in office
a. v.p singh
b. charan singh
c. jawahar lal Nehru d. none of these
32.who is the chairman of rajya sabha
a. vice president
b. speaker of rajya sabha
c. chief justice of india
d. none of these
33. First chief justice of india?
a. j.c shah
b. h.s kapadia
c. h.j kania
d. none of these
34.maximum members of rajya sabha are:
a. 240 b.250
c. 238
d. 290
35. Maximum strength of lok sabha is?
a. 550
36. Tenure of members of rajya sabha is
a. 5 years
b. 5 years and 6 months
c. 6 months
d. none of these
37.judges of supreme court can hold office upto the age of
a. 60 b.65
38. Staff selection commission was established in?
a. 1975 b.1977
c. 1980
d. 1981
39.full form of CAG?
a. comptroller and auditor general of india
b.comptroller and assembly general of india
c. central auditor general of india
d. none of these
40.under which article, provision has been made for constitution of finance commission within 2 years ?
a. article 245
b. article 242
c. article 280
d.article 234
41.chairman of 1st finance commission:
a. y.b chawan
b. b reddy c. k.c neogy
d. c rangarajan
42. Chairman of 13th(current) finance commission?
a. j.m shelat
b. b reddy
c. c rangarajan
d. vijay kelkar
43.governers of states are appointed by?
a. prime minister
b. speaker of lok sabha
c. president
d. none of these
44. Which of the following state has unicameral legislature?
a. Jharkhand
b. Maharashtra
c. Karnataka
d. Bihar
45. General elections of 2009 were?
a. 13th elections
b. 14th elections
c. 15th elections
d. 16th elections
46. Which article of constitution reads “ parliament may be law admit into the union or establish new states on such terms and conditions as it thinks it”?
a. article 2
b. article 3
c. article 4 a
d. article 93 d
47.who won the first general elections held in 1952?
a. bjp b. congress
c. samajwadi party
d. no elections held this year
48. Under the prevision of which article, constitution of india covers the case of jammu and Kashmir alone as a division of sovereignity?
a. article 345
b. article 367
c. article 390
d. article 370
49.which article lists “hindi” as official language of india?
a. article 343(1)
b. article 370(1)
c. article 342(2)
d. none of these
50. Which article of the constitution direct the governments to establish panchayats to serve as institutions of local self governments?
a. article 40
b. article 50
c. article 60
d. article 70
a. lal bahadur shastri
b. v.p singh
c. charan singh
d. gulzari lal nanda
28. Who was youngest to become prime minister of india at the age of just 40?
a. gulzari lal nanda b.rajiv Gandhi
c. v.p singh
d.charan singh
29. Oldest to become prime minister of india?
a. indira Gandhi
b. morariji desai
c. v.p singh
d. charan singh
30.who was first prime minister to step down after vote of no confidence?
a. rajiv Gandhi
b. indira Gandhi c.v.p singh
d. Chandra shekhar
31.first prime minister to die in office
a. v.p singh
b. charan singh
c. jawahar lal Nehru d. none of these
32.who is the chairman of rajya sabha
a. vice president
b. speaker of rajya sabha
c. chief justice of india
d. none of these
33. First chief justice of india?
a. j.c shah
b. h.s kapadia
c. h.j kania
d. none of these
34.maximum members of rajya sabha are:
a. 240 b.250
c. 238
d. 290
35. Maximum strength of lok sabha is?
a. 550
36. Tenure of members of rajya sabha is
a. 5 years
b. 5 years and 6 months
c. 6 months
d. none of these
37.judges of supreme court can hold office upto the age of
a. 60 b.65
38. Staff selection commission was established in?
a. 1975 b.1977
c. 1980
d. 1981
39.full form of CAG?
a. comptroller and auditor general of india
b.comptroller and assembly general of india
c. central auditor general of india
d. none of these
40.under which article, provision has been made for constitution of finance commission within 2 years ?
a. article 245
b. article 242
c. article 280
d.article 234
41.chairman of 1st finance commission:
a. y.b chawan
b. b reddy c. k.c neogy
d. c rangarajan
42. Chairman of 13th(current) finance commission?
a. j.m shelat
b. b reddy
c. c rangarajan
d. vijay kelkar
43.governers of states are appointed by?
a. prime minister
b. speaker of lok sabha
c. president
d. none of these
44. Which of the following state has unicameral legislature?
a. Jharkhand
b. Maharashtra
c. Karnataka
d. Bihar
45. General elections of 2009 were?
a. 13th elections
b. 14th elections
c. 15th elections
d. 16th elections
46. Which article of constitution reads “ parliament may be law admit into the union or establish new states on such terms and conditions as it thinks it”?
a. article 2
b. article 3
c. article 4 a
d. article 93 d
47.who won the first general elections held in 1952?
a. bjp b. congress
c. samajwadi party
d. no elections held this year
48. Under the prevision of which article, constitution of india covers the case of jammu and Kashmir alone as a division of sovereignity?
a. article 345
b. article 367
c. article 390
d. article 370
49.which article lists “hindi” as official language of india?
a. article 343(1)
b. article 370(1)
c. article 342(2)
d. none of these
50. Which article of the constitution direct the governments to establish panchayats to serve as institutions of local self governments?
a. article 40
b. article 50
c. article 60
d. article 70
test centre greater noida anyone???
hey..where can i download my TISS admit card from??