Dear all :: , This thread is confined to the pre- GD & PI preparation for TISS. It is a presumed notion that the only worry about TISS is the Group Discussion (GD) & the Personal Interview (PI). Yes of course that’s the major part, but ass…
Dear all ,
This thread is confined to the pre- GD & PI preparation for TISS.
It is a presumed notion that the only worry about TISS is the Group Discussion (GD) & the Personal Interview (PI). Yes of course that's the major part, but assuming that we cannot lose on our powerful preparation and motivation wrt the written exam. The preliminary & basic knowledge on General Awareness, General Knowledge is must for not only TISS, also for other exams and of course for our basic awareness! Like its said.. Knowledge can never go wasted!
Also, while preparing for the verbal part of the exam, its quite difficult to cram new words and to our horror there are new words unendingly added to the oxfords which, according to me, will require our entire life to have a watch on n grasp them!
Now, let's start sharing questions from the following:
1) GK
This would include- current affairs and General & basic knowledge questions one should know!
2.1) English Words, Idioms & phrases (EWP):
This would include- New English Words, usually confused English words, not-so-new English words but one must know (this is mainly for those who feel their vocab is not so competent enough wrt the normal & basic vocabulary! Synonyms and antonyms may also be included here.
2.2) Foreign Words & Phrases (FWP):
This would include the must-know foreign words & phrases. Now, the importance of this section was realized by me (and i guess, by many puys) this year when i was giving my CAT, cuz there were, as far as i can remember, around 5-6 questions which were solely based on the FWP. And these days, almost every article one comes across would find at least 7-8 foreign words! now this is phenomenal comparing with earlier, isn't it? So, Lets buildup on our FWPs here.
2.3) Sentence correction & Para-jumbles.
We can discuss quants here by posting questions and discussing the same in case of any discrepancy
4) LR, DI, DS
Here we can discuss Logical reasoning, Data interpretation, data sufficiency..
5) Miscellaneous
We can discuss the previous year questions with solutions or seeking the same.
For all the above.. while posting a particular question from any topic kindly make it a point to attach the solution in the same post. This will make it easy for the reader and reduce redundancy!
At the same time.. also keep visiting the thread below for the core discussion on the second paper-
so, here we are with the thread on the full-swing preparation for TISS.
There are no DOs & DONTs as such in the thread, but yes those who are keen in learning, posting & answering would not belittle anyone cuz theres no question silly, i wish everyone to make the best use of this thread!
Let's start right away--
Now Cuz i was havin my black coffee i thot i would share this,
Cafe noir - a cup of Black coffee without milk! :cheers:
Language - French
Synonym - Demitasse
Well thats the begining.. Hope to see more puys 😃 Happy preparing
Foreign words
pumpernickel:-a dark,dense,sour bread.
Glitch:-minor hitch,lazy person.
Avant-garde:-in advance
Vis-a-vis:-regarding,in relation to.
Belles-letters:-asthetic writing.
Jole-de vivre:-enjoyment of life.
Prima donna:-principle female singer in an opera.
Contra band:-smuggled goods.
Dear all,
This thread is confined to the pre- GD & PI preparation for TISS.
It is a presumed notion that the only worry about TISS is the Group Discussion (GD) & the Personal Interview (PI). Yes of course thats the major part, but assuming that we cannot lose on our powerful preparation and motivation wrt the written exam. The preliminary & basic knowledge on General Awareness, General Knowledge is must for not only TISS, also for other exams and of course for our basic awareness! Like its said.. Knowledge is never wasted!
Also, while preparing for the verbal part of the exam, its quite difficult to cram new words and to our horror there are new words unendingly added to the oxfords which, according to me, will require our entire life to have a watch on n grasp them!
Now, lets start sharing questions from the following:
1) GK
This would include- current affairs and General & basic knowledge questions one should know!
2) English Words & phrases (EWP):
This would include- New English Words, usually confused English words, not-so-new English words but one must know (this is mainly for those who feel their vocab is not so competent enough wrt the normal & basic vocabulary!
3) Foreign Words & Phrases (FWP):
This would include the must-know foreign words & phrases. Now, the importance of this section was realized by me (and i guess, by many puys) this year when i was giving my CAT, cuz there were, as far as i can remember, around 5-6 questions which were solely based on the FWP. And these days, almost every article one comes across would find at least 7-8 foreign words! now this is phenomenal comparing with earlier, isn't it? So, Lets buildup on our FWPs here.
4) Miscellaneous
As we have separate threads from Quants and DI its better to follow there but yes there is no obligation on that. We can discuss the previous year questions on DI & Quants with solutions or seeking the same.
so, here we are with the thread on the full-swing preparation for TISS.
There are no DOs & DONTs as such in the thread, but yes those who are keen in learning, posting & answering would not belittle anyone cuz theres no question silly, i wish everyone to make the best use of this thread!
Lets start right away--
Now Cuz i was havin my black coffee i thot i would share this,
Cafe noir - a cup of Black coffee without milk! :cheers:
Language - French
Synonym - Demitasse
Well thats the begining.. Hope to see more puys 😃 Happy preparing
Grt effort 'Shillax'..
The TISS xam is completly time based nd comprises of 2papers..
Paper 1 is a piece of cake nd can b comleted b4d sipulated tym..
On d other hand Paper 2 is vry time consuming..
D really challenge is d TISS interviews nd GD's wich r really tough 2crack..
Since lst 2 yrs i hav bin getin calls frm TISS 4HR but m nt able 2convert them..
Neways will b givin a last try dis year..
hope i convert it dis tym..
Grt effort 'Shillax'..
The TISS xam is completly time based nd comprises of 2papers..
Paper 1 is a piece of cake nd can b comleted b4d sipulated tym..
On d other hand Paper 2 is vry time consuming..
D really challenge is d TISS interviews nd GD's wich r really tough 2crack..
Since lst 2 yrs i hav bin getin calls frm TISS 4HR but m nt able 2convert them..
Neways will b givin a last try dis year..
hope i convert it dis tym..
Hey Gaurav!
It's amazing that you have been cracking the written part of TISS consequently for 2 years! Now this shows that you have got THE stuff in you & cracking TISS was not fluke-a-game for you! congrats for that!! Also appreciating you for introducing about the basic pattern of TISS, which i probably should have done in the introductory post! thanks for it :)
Well, secondly.. i think for GD & PI what really matters is the biological sketch (that one comes across after crackin the written part of TISS), so i would suggest you to analyse your pros and also cons first and make a note of all that in a dairy and slowly work it out.. i guess now u should concentrate majorly on self-analysis!! and read many articles on gd & pi! you should also personally speak to seniors at TISS. Two guys who were helpful for me are Rucha & Abhishek (there of course must be other seniors but i sought help from them) just check with them and they will be really helpful.
Now coming back to the subject of the thread--
1) FWP:
Fiesta - a Festival or a religious festival
Siesta - An afternoon nap
Check the above 2 words, they are alliterated (sound similar) n thus it was quite easy to remember, fiesta is quite a common word!
I guess relating a word makes it simpler to remember & the meaning ultimately!
2) Words:
Confused words:
Disparate & Desperate:
Disparate- Distinctly Different or incomparable.
Desperate- Making a final or ultimate effort (or) having an urgent need or desire of something.
I'm confident that many would be aware of the difference, but i personally have come across my close pals confusing with the 2 words!
hiii ,
I will be giving TISS first time this year,
can somebody provide specific information about gk section of the second paper(HRM&LR;)..
thanks in advance............
hiii ,
I will be giving TISS first time this year,
can somebody provide specific information about gk section of the second paper(HRM&LR;)..
thanks in advance............
welcome 😃 I would be givin it for the first time too.. and to start with i'd first want to clarify to you that there of course would be two papers but the first one would be a general objective one (general awareness & knowledge) the second one would be your specialization, a subjective type paper. So, cuz u'r askin bout the HR i would suggest you to go thro the HRM by Ashwathapa or any good author; like i'm following Mirza saiyaddain (tata mcgrawhill publication). Would suffice for the 2nd paper!
Back to the thread--
1) The abbreviation of CITU-- Center of Indian Trade Unions.
2) The abbreviation of CHOGM-- Common wealth Heads of Govt. Meeting
3) The abbreviation of ASEAN- Association of South East Asian Nations
4) First Governor General of Pakistan- Muhammad Ali Jinnah , popularly known as: Quaid-e-azam & Baba-e-Qaum. Father of the nation - Pakistan.
5) Who was the leader of All India Muslim League (AIML)- Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He was the leader of AIML from 1913 till Pakistani Independence ie. 14th Aug, 1947
hey i have the indian business quiz file plz check it out hope it will help you.......
Great work puys....i will also try to contribute something to this thread after my CAT exam(16th novmbr)...
riteshyaar Sayshey i have the indian business quiz file plz check it out hope it will help you.......
soumya32 Saysrecent business dealing by india
Guys, thanks a ton for your valuable contribution! and hey this thread is pickin up real fast! amazing :D
Happy Diwali to all of you 😃
lets get strated with GK
1-Decision points is book by?
2-TATA tea has been renamed as?
3-which country was first to play 900 tests?
4-Salil shetty is related to?
5-need hierarchy theory was coined by?
6-when is commonwealth day?
7-Who is the new chairman of prasar bharti?
8-which Indian bank has the maximum number of branches abroad?
9-Which university is considered as the largest university?
9-India's Industrial growth rate is?
10-India's biggest export partner is?
11-Which is considered to be world's biggest free trade agreement As in number of people it affects and the land area it covers?
12-G 20 2011 will be held at?
13 UIDAI is also known as?
14-which state has two cheif ministers?
15-How many Indian states are considered poorest than Africa's 26 poorest?
16-What is the currency of Ecuador?
17-Fifteen mantra for empowered women is written by?
18-Who won the Asian leadership Award?
PS-Don't google
20-Why do you want to get into TISS?
Calvin said-
Calvin: I don't need parents. All I need is a recording that says, "Go play outside!"
Answer discuss and post questions
lets get strated with GK
1-Decision points is book by?
2-TATA tea has been renamed as?
3-which country was first to play 900 tests?
4-Salil shetty is related to?
5-need hierarchy theory was coined by?
6-when is commonwealth day?
7-Who is the new chairman of prasar bharti?
8-which Indian bank has the maximum number of branches abroad?
9-Which university is considered as the largest university?
9-India's Industrial growth rate is?
10-India's biggest export partner is?
11-Which is considered to be world's biggest free trade agreement As in number of people it affects and the land area it covers?
12-G 20 2011 will be held at?
13 UIDAI is also known as?
14-which state has two cheif ministers?
15-How many Indian states are considered poorest than Africa's 26 poorest?
16-What is the currency of Ecuador?
17-Fifteen mantra for empowered women is written by?
18-Who won the Asian leadership Award?
PS-Don't google
20-Why do you want to get into TISS?
Calvin said-
Calvin: I don't need parents. All I need is a recording that says, "Go play outside!"
Answer discuss and post questions
Man!! i only know 3 answers of the entire lot (if i include 20th one) :shocked:
13. UIDAI - Unique Identification Authority of India
16. Currency of Ecuador - US Dollar (if i'm not wrong :|)
20. Why i want to get into TISS - Now, this one is highly personalized & variable question- well, TISS would be a platform to make my dreams come real!
btw, in the 1st question, is it deceptive point or decision pt?
Deceptive point is by Dan Brown.
i was honest but gonna google the anwers now 😃

1-Decision points is a book by George.W,Bush
2-TATA tea has been renamed as global breweries limited.
3-England was the first country to play 900 tests.
4.salil shetty is related to Amnesty international a global Human right protection agency.
5-Need hierarchy theory was given by Abraham maslow
6-Commonwealth day-i am not really sure but i think its 4th may
7-chairman of prasar bharti is noted journalist Mrinal pandey
8-Bank of baroda
10-Biggest export partner USA
11-Biggest FTA is between china and ASEAN countries which if i am not mistaken has been signed recently.
12-last one was held at Seoul next will be held in france
13 UIDAI is also known as ADHAR
14 meghalya has two CMs :shocked:
15-8 Indian states are poorer than 26 of Africa
16-yes its US dollar
17-Abha Sharma
20-TISS is a cradle of enlightenment,the knowledge,Exposure and ideas i will gain here is unparalleled to anywhere else in the country
i am shocked at the lack of response...
shipa you can put posts related to verbal and i can post things related to Gk and social will be nice to have a healthy discussion going.
CALVIN SAID-If our constitution allows us free speech, why
are there phone bills?:splat:
correction-TATA tea is now global beverages LTD:D
Extremely sorry for crashing the thread people but is anybody attending this programme?
If yes then could you kindly let us all know how it went and what you were told?
Highly highly appreciated.
1-Decision points is a book by George.W,Bush
CALVIN SAID-If our constitution allows us free speech, why
are there phone bills?:splat:
I guess the lack of response is due to the festival! anyways.. yep its a good idea u posting Qs for gk n i' ll do that of verbal! fine so answer these--
and of course, no googling (means not searching elsewhere too!!)
1) Bellicose
2) Felicitous
3) Quirk
4) Apocryphal
5) Replete
6) Punctilious
7) Fatuous

9) Attenuate
10) Repugnant
11) chalice
12) Qualms
13) Clairvoyant
14) prescience
15) Supercilious
16) Keep one's nose to the grindstone
17) A chip on your Shoulder

19) Go down like A lead balloon
20) To turn a blind eye
Try answering these! i presume it would be quite comfortable to answer half of them..
1-Decision points is a book by George.W,Bush
are there phone bills?:splat:
Hey u ve not answered these-
9-Which university is considered as the largest university?
& the previous question india's industrial growth rate!
and the commonwealth day is celebrated in the 2nd week of March every year!
Cambride oxford are biggest universities
Extremely sorry for crashing the thread people but is anybody attending this programme?
If yes then could you kindly let us all know how it went and what you were told?
Highly highly appreciated.
Oh.. it doesn't seem applicable to me! others may acknowledge it!