All d puys who appeared for this exam post their views and experience…
All d puys who appeared for this exam post their views and experience..
Hi All,
My exams was conducted at Karve Institute of Social Service, Pune.
The exams started at 9:00.
The search for center was a bit troublesome, but reached 45 mins before the scheduled time of exam.
As usual, there were different exams for different courses.
First exam was a general exam, which everyone has to give.
It was pretty easy.
Total question: 50.
total time given: 45 mins.
Paper was easy, and didn't take much time to solve it completely.
The only thing which can make you to think again was GK, although that was also easy.
Second Exam: HRM.
Total Question: 75.
Total time given for this exam:60 mins.
Although this exam was tougher than the first exam, but no doubt after CAT, everyone would have found it easy to moderate.
There was nothing what we call moderate to difficult in RC, DI, LR.
Only hurdle in this exam was GK. Yeah GK was tougher than the GK in first exam.
RC were big and time consuming. The good thing was that there was no sectional cut off, so one would have attempted more questions in his favorite section irrespective of time management for individual sections.
Third exam; Disaster management.
Total Question: 2 essays.
Total Time given: 60 mins.
All topics were easy, and pretty much general, so one would not had faced any difficulty in writing them down.
Overall the Exam was easy to little moderate.
One can easily score well if well prepared in GK.:)
Now will wait for the result...
All the best to everyone who have appeared for TISS exam.
Hope to see you in GD. 😃
This year, both TISS as well as Symbiosis are conducting their admission tests on the same date (15th Dec,2013). Apart from that, the test timings(TISS-11am to 12 40pm, SNAP-2-4pm) are pretty close to each other making it close to impossible to shuttle between the test centres in the available time. Since both the B schools are well reputed and will have several aspirants(many of them commonly targeting both the b schools), can't we do anything about the clash of the exams? Can't we try requesting them from our end to change the dates or at least change the timings? I am one of the many aspirants who is looking at giving both the tests. Any suggestions from your end?