hi guys my tapmi gd pi got over at tapmi campus on april 3rd. something abt tapmi… infrastructure not great… too many distractions in the form of girls :: (and each one of them pretty and hotttt :oops: to the coooorrreee, as in t…
hi guys
my tapmi gd pi got over at tapmi campus on april 3rd.
something abt tapmi.....
infrastructure not great...
too many distractions in the form of girls (and each one of them pretty and hotttt
to the coooorrreee, as in the general junta in manipal, viz,Kasthurbha medical college( i even felt that, that was one of their eligibility criterion for girls))
didnt find any tapmi junta as they were out for summers...
so if studies are what is in ur mind then i donno.....
okay comin to the process..
there were 7 rounds
1 gd (case study) was a fish market.... 15 people out of which 12 turned up
2 oral summary
3 written summary
4 360 degree appraisal (u mention who the best 3 and worst 3 speakers are)
5 extempore speech for 3 minutes.
6 psychometric test.
7 1st round interview by academic panel 1 guy from the industry and 2 profs)
it was a li'l stress especially the guy from the industry who is at max 25 yrs pld.
8 final interview by the director and 3 senior profs.
and u r pooped after that.
anybody who wants to know anything in particular can ask me.
If you remember, then why not post the details of those 8 steps
My onbservations: The hostel was too far away from the acad block and the weather was hoooooot and humiiiiid. But the beaches were as clean as a whistle. Let me know what youd do if you make it. What other calls do you have?
i had my tapmi interview on 3rd.here is the detailed experience
1 udupi is too far for north indians as it took almost 30 hours to reach there from bhopal
2 hostel is very far from the institute abt. 1 km. hostel is ok.as far as inernet in hostel only one comp out of five will be having internet on each floor.food is ok
now the selection process
1 there are eight rounds in the selection process. intially a presentation was conducted by mr. bala subramanyam and i guess the main intention was to inform students abt the fees hike.(now i guess the total cost will be near 5 lac)
2 the first round was case study. total 15 people. 2 didn't turn up. it was nearly fish market.
3 the second round was written communication we had to write summry of the cas eand our views abt the case.word limit was 200 to 250 words time 10 min.
4 now the 360 degree feed back. u have to choose three best and three worst speaker excluding urself.
5 then came a psychometric test. u have to give ans of 15 odd ques.
6 extempore speech for 3 minutes for which 2 min is given for prep.
7.the faculty interview.panel of three (or two in some cases) most of the interview wer5e stress based but mine was ok.duration of an average interview was 15 min.
8 the directors interview(in which director did not ask a single ques) normal length of iterview 2- 3 min.
the process is very lenthy and tiring half of people had to wait for another day for directors interveiw and those who had it on the same day had to wait for 2 to 3 hours.
now some very hard facts abt, tapmi
in the presentation it was told that avg. sal is 3.1 lac but later i met to a 2002 student who told me that it is abt 2.5 to 2.6 lac and 41 students out of 120 were not placed as on 29th march i.e. their convocation day.
some students with work ex had to opt for the jobs which are paying less than what they used to give.
according to him hr did better this year
well i hope this info will help to the group members.
Hi Amit,
If you remember we met at manipal. Reverse my login. Great to see you here at the forum. Do keep me informed about ur results and what you plan to do about joining. Btw how was the late nite party in your room?
Hi junta,
The following is the new link for Gd n PI @ TAPMI for the PGDM Program 2005-2007.
All the guys are requested to post ur GD n PI Experiences in this Thread so that all of us can have access to the resources at a single dedicated thread instead of mising it with other threads.
All The BEST guys
hi frnds...
hope u all are doing great in ur interviews.....do not get perturbed if u feel u have done badly in ur PI coz u never know a good performance in just one or other area might see u thru....those of u who have interviews lined up on 22nd and after can meet us..the first years....these days u get to interact with the second yr ppl...I hope u get ur queries well answered by them....any queries or apprehensions....do mail me....I will honestly answer ur queries
Congrats to all of you for getting through TAPMI.
We welcome all those who have decided to join us as our junies.
Good Luck in your journey towards being nurtured as wealth creators.
For any doubt or clarification you can contact us.
guys this looks to be an old thread...
i presume it is last years....