Average marks scored by students of section A are 25, B is 30 and C is 10. A has 20 students, B has 30 students and C has 40 students. What is the overall average if all the students’ marks are taken together?

Average marks scored by students of section A are 25, B is 30 and C is 10. A has 20 students, B has 30 students and C has 40 students. What is the overall average if all the students' marks are taken together?

In a trio-nation 20-20 series participated by India, Australia and England, the average score made by India is 176, Australia is 182 and England is 155. India has played 8 matches, Australia 5 matches and England 8 matches. What is the average run per match scored by all the teams taken together?

The average age of a team of 15 employees is 36. The youngest of them is 20 years old and the eldest is 56 years old. Two of them with an average of 28 leave the team. If one of the two comes back on the condition that he will be made the team leader, then which of the following can possibly be the average age of the new team so formed?

The average marks of 15 students in a class is 145, maximum marks being 150. If the two lowest scores are removed, the average increases by 5. Also the two lowest scores are consecutive multiple of 9. Find out the lowest score in the class.

Six men A, B, C, D, E, F agree with a seventh man G to provide a sum of money among them. A, B, C, D, E, F are to pay Rs. 10 each and G to pay Rs. 3 more than the average of the seven. What is the whole sum to be provided?

Three people A, B, and C weighs them in a particular order. First A, B, C weigh themselves individually, and then AB, BC, AC and ABC together respectively. The recorded weight for the last measured is 180. What is the average of seven measures?