Lets share our CAT scores and discuss college applying strategy…
Lets share our CAT scores and discuss college applying strategy..
My CAT%tile is - QA:99.47 VA:97.91, overall:99.66
QA: 90.36 %ile, VALR: 98.08%ile OA: 97.11%ile
Use given link to Check your CAT Score: --
QA&DI-; 76.7 %ileVA&LR-; 65.05 %ileOA - 72.35 %ileNC-OBC10- 83.83%+2- 85.00%B.tech- 72.34%30 months of exp in IT till dateapplied for SPJain, FMS-Delhi, FMS-BHU, MFC&MBE-DU;, MIB&MHROD-DU;, UoH.Will I get any calls ? What else should I apply further to get a call ? Can't drop 1 more year.
QA/DI - 93.96
VA/LR - 99.23
OA - 98.8
10th - 86.6
12th - 82.8
Engg: - 74.6
General, Male
Someone please help me with a good institute to prepare for wat pi in Bangalore on weekends
QA : 99.6
CAT QA 94.64 VA 92.99 OA 96.03,, Xth 78.93 Xth 79.17 B.Tech 6.68 Exp 9 months
Which Institutes ? IIMs?
Please help seniors! CatScore 86.95(QA-97.61, VA-49.xx) Wat colleges should I apply?? Got totally screwed! Bt can't afford to drop one year.. Wat are the best options for me?
Please help seniors! CatScore 86.95(QA-97.61, VA-49.xx) Wat colleges should I apply?? Got totally screwed! Bt can't afford to drop one year.. Wat are the best options for me?
hi my cat percentile is 83..wat colleges shud i fill?
QA 92.32, VA 80.36, OA 89.98, Work Ex: 4.5 years in SBI in officer grade, Grad: 61.5%, XII: 83.75%, X: 92% [Academic achievements: Nil, Any other achievements: Nil]. What are the chances of a call from older IIMs.
QA/DI - 94.3VA/LR - 87.88OA - 94.03 10th -77.33 12th - 67.33 Engg: - 7.0 General, Male
Hi guyz !! Cat score 87.77(QA&DI-84.28; VA&LR-; 86.46) .Now i want to judiciously apply for institutes where i have some chance of being shortlisted. Can u guys suggest the institutes i should apply for?
QA- 93.96 VA- 96.32
Any chances of IIMs?
Qa 91.38
Va 97.31
Overall 96.82
Which colleges I could expect?
QA 76..VA 89 .. OA 85.1...X 86%...XII 71%...GRAD 74%...W EX..24 MNTHS....CATEGORY SC....I applied only for iims....will i get calls from some?? plz reply if someone has any idea...
Hi friends...