All the Quant  ( Basics+ moderate +advanced)   questions, shortcuts, concepts, solutions will shared and analysed.

A trader marks his goods P% above the cost price and allows a discount of q% .Then the net profit or loss % =

  P  - Q   -( PQ/100)

If the result is positive = profit %

If the result is negative= Loss%

Shortcut 2::

Discount offers --->
Buy "x"  get " y ' free.

Total discount = y/(x+y)   * 100 


 There are 4 products
A::  buy  3  get 1 free 
B:: buy   4  get 1  free
C:: buy   1 , get 50% off on the 2nd
D:: buy 5 get 2 free
Which product has the maximum discount offer?