Hi guys, Can anyone shed some light on the Spanish programs at IE,IESE and ESADE which usually garner good reputation in mostly all the rankings. Have done a fair bit of research on them but still left with some lingering questions on a Spani…
Hi guys,
Can anyone shed some light on the Spanish programs at IE,IESE and ESADE which usually garner good reputation in mostly all the rankings. Have done a fair bit of research on them but still left with some lingering questions on a Spanish MBA in general and IE,IESE or ESADE in particular.
Would be really helpful if someone with info on these programs or some alumni can help out on basically the below points :
1. what are the respective strengths of these 3 Spanish schools in terms of areas of specialization, diversity etc ?
2. How do the Spanish programs fair in comparison with Other European programs such as HEC, Oxbridge, Cranfield, Rotterdam, INSEAD etc. in terms of Industry acceptance (within Europe and outside) ? - Asking this question considering an Indian graduate from any of these Spanish schools and looking to work in Europe. I know that language factor has a big role to play, but I suppose that is true for most european progs apart from maybe UK. So would a Spanish program be recognised at par elsewhere in Europe considering Spanish economy is not fairing too well at the moment.
Thanks to anyone in advance who can help out with these queries. 😃
These three schools are clearly among the top-25 worldwide best business schools. Perhaps, one of them is among the 15.
In my view, of those schools you mentioned, I only consider INSEAD better than the Spanish ones.
If you want to stay in Europe and work there, any of the three schools will help you to find a job. Of course, the schools are very strong in Spain, but also in the UK. For example, IESE graduates are all over London.
In any case, I strongly suggest you to visit the Spanish community CLUB-MBA. In that forum, there is a debate about which of these b-schools are better: this link
If you cannot read Spanish, use translator.
Thanks ptr.
any idea about the individual strengths in terms of industry concentrations of these schools ?
Thanks ptr.
any idea about the individual strengths in terms of industry concentrations of these schools ?
I'm not an expert, but I've heard IESE is very strong in Consulting, IE in entrepreneurship. You may ask the question in the forum of that community (you can ask in English, and you will have answers there).
Thanks ptr.
any idea about the individual strengths in terms of industry concentrations of these schools ?
All the three schools are very different from each other! IESE employs case study method for its 2 year MBA with general management focus. While IE is a one year course and its MBA is known as International MBA! While ESADE is a flexible MBA course, with options of 15 months and 18 months, with mixed mode of study!
IESE is the oldest in the group, in fact it was the first school in Europe to deliver 2 year MBA while IE is the newest in group! The perceived strength of the school though as highlighted in above post is arguable but then I guess the perception is based on the reason that since IESE has case study methodology which is highly used inside consulting firms it is better at consulting, similarly as IE is a 1 year course with normally a more older class composition it is good in entrepreneurship, etc. Being top ranked schools in Europe in fact all the three can open doors for you in any sectors, depending on one's background and passion! The study methodology though definitely helps one in consulting at IESE but it doesn't mean that other sectors such as Finance, Industry are not strong at IESE! Same may be true for other schools! The best way to check the strengths as per your need would be to go through the detailed placement reports of all the three schools, talking to alumni similar to your aspirations and checking the target companies website on whether they hire at school!
2. How do the Spanish programs fair in comparison with Other European programs such as HEC, Oxbridge, Cranfield, Rotterdam, INSEAD etc. in terms of Industry acceptance (within Europe and outside) ? - Asking this question considering an Indian graduate from any of these Spanish schools and looking to work in Europe. I know that language factor has a big role to play, but I suppose that is true for most european progs apart from maybe UK. So would a Spanish program be recognised at par elsewhere in Europe considering Spanish economy is not fairing too well at the moment.
On your second question, you should first remember that HEC is 18 months course! Oxford SAID, Cambridge Judge, Cranfield, Rotterdam, INSEAD are 1 year MBA programs. Hence you can compare these programs with IE in the Spanish group of schools! HEC may be more at par with ESADE on course length! Such a comparison would depend upon the restriction or advantages it brings about with MBA course delivery for your needs!
On Reputation, in your list of colleges, only HEC, Oxbridge and INSEAD would have close to similar reputation of IESE/IE/ESADE, with personal requirements and preferences placing the different universities at different personal ranks! HEC and INSEAD are in France, while Oxbridge is UK and IESE, IE and ESADE in Spain. Hence the linguistic advantages are based on their location.
As far as I know the placement statistics at IESE is very global and so is true with INSEAD. I am not sure about other schools and may be a senior or an admit student can comment more on the same. Also INSEAD, IESE are far older courses and have a long standing reputation in MBA than other names such as Oxbridge here which is relatively younger courses though their parent universities are oldest in the group!
Also the composition and class size at all these courses are different than each other! IESE has a class size of 280 while INSEAD has 900 class size spread over 2 intakes per year! INSEAD courses can be taken either from France or Singapore or both (6 months each). IESE has international exchange programs with most of the top US (Tuck/MIT/Ross/Darden/ wharton etc), European (LBS/Rotterdam/HEC/RSM etc), South American (IAE) and Asian B schools (ISB, CEIBS, NUS) along with campuses in Madrid and New York where you can complete one semester! Also IESE was involved in setting of few great schools such as CEIBS, IAE, etc too. IESE itself was set up with the help of Harvard!
So explore all the school's website and add the data as per attributes, which are important to you and then may be you will have a better picture on strengths of different schools. I am sure other puys or individual discussion threads on these schools can help you accumulate more information on some or all of these schools.
Hi guys,
Can anyone shed some light on the Spanish programs at IE,IESE and ESADE which usually garner good reputation in mostly all the rankings.
For checking how each programs fare on different rankings, you can check out Poets and Quants website's Top 50 European Ranking which gives you exactly what you are looking for!;)
Thanks aksr for the detailed response.
I was basically looking for 12-18 months programs in Europe. Thinking of putting in my app for HEC but not really sure of my chances there. so was looking at the Spanish schools as well - as per the last thread on IE I read here on PG, there were quite a few Indian admits. I know the primary focus while applying has to be how suited the program is for one's future goals, but at the same time I think being practical wrt chances at each school is also critical- usually because of the limited time in having to present applications for 4-5 schools. Just my thought :)
and your reply does provide some useful thoughts on this 😃 thnx.
Just a quick reply from ESADE Admissions...I believe all three Spanish MBAs mentioned are recognized as top European (and indeed, global) programs. Some of the information regarding ESADE is not 100% correct, so I thought I would chime in...
We do have a flexible format - but not only 15- and 18-month, but also a 12-month option, which is interesting to entrepreneurs. Our placement is varied and global; about 40% of our graduates place in Consultancy and Investment Banking, whereas about 60% place in industry (which is not necessarily heavy industry!! This would include firms such as Inditex, Google, adidas, J&J;, Novartis, Amazon...). Global reach means that approximately 40% of our alumni obtain their first post-MBA position outside their home country...
Please also note that while many MBAs are totally focused on their immediate post-MBA placement, our focus is on your long-term career track. As a member of the ESADE Alumni Association you receive support throughout your professional career, and we often see alumni return home, start working, and withins 1-2 years of graduation they are sent abroad to work - perhaps as the "European expert" for their company.
Please dont hesitate to contact me (via PaGaLGuY or via email at [email protected]) if you have any questions, or if youd like one of our alumni/current students to contact you with their personal feedback regarding the program.
Warm regards from Barcelona - hope to see you here!!
Ok here is my take on your question. I am a current student at IESE business school. So for some obvious reasons my response would be to give you some info about IESE based on your questions..
1. what are the respective strengths of these 3 Spanish schools in terms of areas of specialization, diversity etc ?
Well strengths of the schools are pretty similar to any top MBA program in terms of exposure, quality of education, alumni network etc. Although in particular IESE is a general management program, i.e., you don't need to specialize in one particular area. Having said that there are several extremely good courses in several areas such as finance, entrepreneurship, strategy etc which you could choose in the second year and kinda gain an expertise in. Typically most students tend to start working in investment banks, consulting and industry post MBA at IESE. There are a few who go on to start their own companies, which i must mention are well supported by the IESE entrepreneurship center.
I personally believe that the biggest strength of IESE is its diversity. 56 countries represented and not only country representing more than 10% of the class size. For example my team of 8, has me as an Indian, a taiwanese, a japanese, 2 spaniards (from Barca and Madrid), one argentenian, one American, and one from Isreal. Another core strength of IESE is the quality of professors and the case method of learning which is simply an incredible experience in itself!
2. How do the Spanish programs fair in comparison with Other European programs such as HEC, Oxbridge, Cranfield, Rotterdam, INSEAD etc. in terms of Industry acceptance (within Europe and outside) ?
Before i answer this question I would like to apologize to the ppl who take offense to my view, but please be aware that these are simply my views..
Quiet honestly the only school in your list which you can compare to IESE in terms of overall reputation is INSEAD. Although INSEAD is a great school, its a very very different program in comparison to IESE. INSEAD's program is 10months long and the one at IESE is 19months long. This makes a big difference based on the level of your experience and your expectation from a program. For me INSEAD was too short and I preferred a longer version of the program which IESE had. IESE mba students are there is every single bulge bracket investment bank and in all the top Consulting companies (in say London to put into perspective). So you don't have to worry about industry acceptance.
Hope i could help you in some way.. If you have any questions just drop me a message and i can give a you more personal advise from a current student's perspective!!