Hello PPl, Had My SITM GD/PI process today… The process went off quite fine & smooth… Since its weekly I don’t expect much traffic here… NEways, Here goes. GD… ‘Family managed businesses: Pros & Cons’ Bec…
Hello PPl,
Had My SITM GD/PI process today...
The process went off quite fine & smooth... Since its weekly I don't expect much traffic here...
Here goes.
'Family managed businesses: Pros & Cons'
Became a fish market, the panel had to intervene twice. Runs for 20 mins.
Then, extempore. In front of the group. You're given 3 min to think, and 3 min to speak. You pick up a chit having 3 topics, and choose one of them to speak on. Me spoke on 'Sania Mirza given Padma Shri by Govt. Your views.'
Then, PI. Be ready with your technical knowledge, coz if even a hint of technology enters the PI, be prepared to continue with a range of questions on that tech stuff.
I was grilled on the work I'd done to carry out a study for my office, not related to anything tech: It was an Events related study for a marketing co.
Waiting for your experiences...
PS: Have some more data with me, not on me right now, will put it up as soon as I get my hands on it. - Gronde
hey grond wss up....
thankx for writing ur experience. U r a true Pgite.
BTW i have my GD/PI for sitm on 18th so just wnted to know......
technical stuff will be hard core or they r just touching the issues.
dude just 2 dayz to go.
Hey Grond! I knew u'll post it when i saw u scribbling the Extempore topics on ur paper .
@ALAMBAYAN Well guys technical qstns depends! U answer more n they ask u more.. Brush up ur final year projects. Thats the most significant area for technical qstns..My PI lasted only for 10 mins.. but other few were grilled 4 about 20 mins.. But i m sure i had a good PI.. All the best!
Hey Grond! How much time did ur PI last ? My lasted only around 10 mins.. Any info bout others? I mean on average what was the duration?
guys i am a 2004 passed out eltrnx and tele commn engg with work ex . so should i expect grinding on the basis of my final year project too??
what kind of tech questions were they askuin ? frankly speakin 40 subjetcs to revise , one cant b masters in all of them !!!!
guys i am a 2004 passed out eltrnx and tele commn engg with work ex . so should i expect grinding on the basis of my final year project too??
what kind of tech questions were they askuin ? frankly speakin 40 subjetcs to revise , one cant b masters in all of them !!!!
@ Robin Hood.. Dont worry to think 4 all 40 subjects.. But as i said earliar brush up ur final yr project well.. And Of course ur work ex details.. That shud be enough..All the best
guys please post ur experiences in detail what kind of topics were given in gd and extempore and wat kind of question did they ask in pi . i am an electronics & telecomm engineer . wat kind of technical questin can i expect
please help us out
hey pgites
went for sitm today
process was smooth
startes with gd on topic " whether booming sensex is real indicator of rise in indian ecopnomy:
it lasted 4 10 min only 10 members in group.
8 spoke 2 were listening( at least i wasnt)
1 who spoke was told to conclude
i made 3 entries with relevant points
extempore was on " pre requisites of happpy married life"
spoke 4 only 2 min (time was 3 min)
pi was on acads( im a IT enggr.)
i will rank myself as
gd 8/10
pi 7/10
extempore 5/10
looking towards other calls
ATB pgites
Few Topics 4 extempore-
1)Reservation in IIM and IITs (My choice)
2)Making of a soldier
3)sania mirza and padma-shri
4)can poor ppl be honest?
5)communal harmony in India
i had my gd/pi on 11th
gd topic was'advertisement tend to make people fool and decieve them'
extempore'shuold posts of president and governors be abolished or not'
pi-be prepeared to be interviewed on project,technical background,training.
they would give you some favourite subjects.
hr will ask u on hobby elaboratly ,etc..
best of luck
Hey people...
As I said... here's my detailed experience.
Were you in my group? I asked around whether anyone from PG was there... perhaps you weren't there then. Yeah... i wrote the topics for posting here.
Anyways, here goes...
'Family owned business houses in India: Pros & Cons'
Points that came up:
Single point decision making.
Comfort level among decision makers is high.
Ego hassles creep in, resulting in business houses stop being family managed after the second generation.
There's problems of ownership
Can become autocratic.
Trust, absent & present.
Examples: Reliance (Obviously!) Tatas & Birlas among others.
The GD became a royal fish market, as everyone, me included, were putting out points, but not really listening to anyone. Points kept getting repeated, and nothing new came up after a while. The panel interrupted twice, both times asking us to speak individually. Even during the summing up, they said that summing has to be done by a single person.
Immediately later, extempore started. The first guy was given 3 min to think on the topic, and meanwhile, everyone else was asked to give a short intro about him/herself.
Then, the first guy came in, was asked to speak about himself for a couple of sentences, and begin, while the next person was given time to think.
Topics my group spoke on were:
Mobile phones
Should student-teacher affairs in campus be permitted
What are the makings of good soldiers
Is India capable of becoming a power of the East
Family planning v/s the law of nature
Labour problems in India
Poverty is a handicap to the Indian economy
Reservations in India: good or bad
Veto power in the UN security council.
Topics I got were:
When does patience cease to be a virtue?
Sania Mirza gets the Padmashri from the Indian Govt. Your views.
How can we encourage tourist trade in India.
I spoke on the Sania Mirza topic, about her being an icon, and in an area which the govt. needs to praise more, etc. etc.
In the PI, turns out that the panel I got was taknig the longest. And there was this tech prof there, someone very high up in the SITM arena. He asked me some tech topics from my diploma (over 5 years ago - lucky they were my favorites, and still remembered enough about them!)
People, be prepared with tech topics. If you don't mention them, they won't get asked. But if you do, and you will, as the panel twists questions such that you'll have to, then the panel will dig real deep into the topic, no matter what. I was asked about the 8085 & 86 microprocessors, someone else on Java, others on their projects, and such. Rest assured that atleast one tech question will be asked. After all, it is a tech MBA.
The students had done a good job, with the group details & stuff being displayed on screen, and being constantly updated. In between, they also showed the Indo-Pak match!
is gd an elimination process in sitm or they r conducting interviews for all the candidates?????
@ Grond.. Dude i told u that i m from Pg at SITM but perhaps u dint listen.. I also asked u ur name in PG.. Well i was the one sitting to ur Right.
vvaarruunn Saysis gd an elimination process in sitm or they r conducting interviews for all the candidates?????
@Varun.. The PI is for all. Its not a elimination. First GD then in the same group extempore follows.. And after some time PI is there..
k00l_KuNaL Sayshey Grond.....thx for the effort uv put in....it really helps...i hv my GD/PI on 25th...hv done by BCA 2004 pass out...hence all software stuff in the course....but hv 1.5 yrs work ex in Telecom and am a CCNA.....so do u really think tht i shud brush up my BCA subjects and final year projects....plz suggest !!
Well... I suggest you do so. As some have said, one of the panels doesn't ask about any tech stuff, but mine did. Also, its like digging your own grave. So if you say that this is my fav subject, or this sub is what I'm good at, or things to that effect, there'll be a line of questions on that subject. So if you have to, birng out a subject you're good at. I fell that in your case, it'll be your workex they'll ask about, & as CCNA is already there in the syllabus, expect something on that too.
Got it Dude....ill try to move my PI towards the CCNA stuff.....but wanted to clarify one thing...if u have an idea.
If there are any gaps between the Graduation and the first job....how to cover that....like in my case....there was a gap of around 6 months before i got my first job...so how shud i go abt covering tht...im sure it'll b a big hurdle tht i need to cross.
And with regards to work-ex....do dey cross-check the work-ex ??
aniruddha_1982 Says@Varun.. The PI is for all. Its not a elimination. First GD then in the same group extempore follows.. And after some time PI is there..
thanx are they
aniruddha_1982 Says@Varun.. The PI is for all. Its not a elimination. First GD then in the same group extempore follows.. And after some time PI is there..
r they giving weightage to snap score????