hi guys here all sims aspirants can share there views
guys here all sims aspirants can share there views
can a general category student apply for SIMS ??
or is it only for defence peoples ???
wat r our chances to get on merit list ??? ..............
I've got a score of 63 in SNAP.
BE- 80%
2.5 yrs of work ex. in a Leading IT Company in India
Can any one tell me should I apply for SIMS ?
Howz SIMS in terms of placement ?
Plz advise me
Thnx in Advance
guys in the application form its mentioned tht the general category students will have to arrange for summers n final placedmnts thr the sponsoring company
is tht so?
Hi , can anybody tell what will be the expected cut off for SIMS based on 2007 SNAP score. I guess it might be somewhere around 45-50. Please do state ur expected cut off
last year it ws around 45...
so this year also it will b in that range...
may be +/- 3,4 marks....
post ur scores so dat we have a rough idea here...
mine is 74.75,defence open category
It's good that the cut off will be in that range.......as my score is in low 50.........hope i do get a call, what do u says pals..........i m also from defece open category.....
last year it ws around 45...
so this year also it will b in that range...
may be +/- 3,4 marks....
post ur scores so dat we have a rough idea here...
mine is 74.75,defence open category
Hey u have got a preety decent score ........morever a very noce score......did u appear for CAT........well how much did u get in that
u will get a call dont worry abt dat...prepare hard for case study,gd n pi....
can a general category student apply for SIMS ??
or is it only for defence peoples ???
wat r our chances to get on merit list ??? ..............
well if u are working and ur company decides to sponsor u too SIMS, then u could join as an industry sponsored candidate, rest all is reserved for the defence personnel and dependants
look_reach Saysu will get a call dont worry abt dat...prepare hard for case study,gd n pi....
there are case studies in SIMS... oh shhiitt, u got ne clue about that???
yaaa...case studies were there till last year....
dont knw if they will go the same way or differ....
Guys, I have applied in the defence open category...can anybody tell me about my chances to get a call from sims...???
VA -12.5
AR - 39.5
GK - 18.5
QA - 6.5 :sleepy:
Overall 77.
Seniors please clear my doubts.......do they have sectional cutt offs,do they consider your academic record as well?if yes then how big a role does it play in your final selection.
AND.....wat is the whole selection procedure all about, GD,PI anything else?? how many rounds.....
no sectional cut off....
jst overall...
1 gd {mainly case study} n 2 pi
dats it
vivpaes SaysIt's good that the cut off will be in that range.......as my score is in low 50.........hope i do get a call, what do u says pals..........i m also from defece open category.....
Hey is the sims result out ? They have an option to enter SNAP ID , but they say that results will be declared at 5:30 on 17 jan.
dont know what are these guys upto...seems to b a lazy soul....why are they asking fo snap id...n then displaying not selscted and then saying results will b out at 5.30....these chaps are ****** jokers.
abhi.sys Saysdont know what are these guys upto...seems to b a lazy soul....why are they asking fo snap id...n then displaying not selscted and then saying results will b out at 5.30....these chaps are ****** jokers.
SO that means the final results are not out na ? As even for me it's saying that not selected......don't know what is happening...... r u from defence background ?
abhi.sys Saysdont know what are these guys upto...seems to b a lazy soul....why are they asking fo snap id...n then displaying not selscted and then saying results will b out at 5.30....these chaps are ****** jokers.
Hey i m still waiting for ur reply.....resutls will be declared at 5:30 ?
Ya buddy ... i am from defence background.....scored 50 in snap..pretty less but good score in CAT...have 2 + work ex...n decent acads...donno what will happen...wat abt u...where r u from n ur score..