Guys, a lot of people would have written the exam today while others like me are sweating it out and waiting for 14th… :: … there are so many threads to discuss about the questions and cutoff but none on which associate bank we have applied f…
Guys, a lot of people would have written the exam today while others like me are sweating it out and waiting for 14th... ... there are so many threads to discuss about the questions and cutoff but none on which associate bank we have applied for?. I for one would like to know who else has applied for the bank I have chosen in my category. That will also probably tell us about the kind of competition we can expect from our peers. How bout it?
Oh my gosh! I guess I have started the most useless topics of all lol:) zero replies?
@shn6212 said:@Sathyaonline what were the gk questions asked in the exam on 14th oct?
i have applied for Travancore Delhi
exam was on 7th evening shift
Hey cool snehith! How did the exam go for you? Did you do well?
Exam Date - 14 oct
the worst part was i was not serious for sbi cuz i was preparing for ssc..and now i regret for the question paper was extremely easy i didn't keep a track on what i attempted but i remember i had attempted all in g.a and marketing computers, reasoning took much of my time..and quantitative aptitude was average
nt selected in sbi associates....
i m from haryana
@ThevexedIndian said:@bimalgaba2 ok nice ATBdo you have any idea when they will declare the results ??
Can Anyone help me regarding Specialist officer in associate banks of SBI 2013 ?
I have few queries .