Request to participate in survey on the prospects of 3G services in India

:: : I am Mukesh Chauhan, a student of PGPX class of 2010 at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. I am doing a study (part of course curriculum) on the prospects of 3G services in India. As part of this study, I intend to capture the a…


I am Mukesh Chauhan, a student of PGPX class of 2010 at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. I am doing a study (part of course curriculum) on the prospects of 3G services in India. As part of this study, I intend to capture the awareness and opinion of the potential customers group through a survey. The link to the survey is given below:

(Please click on the above link to participate in the survey)

As this is an anonymous survey, the identity of respondents will not be captured in the process. I request you to spend few minutes to browse through the link and participate in the survey. Your response is very valuable and critical to the success of this study.
Your support is also solicited to forward this message to your friends etc. This will help in capturing the responses from a broad group of respondents across Indian cities.

(Please don't participate in the survey, if you are not Indian residents).

Thanks in anticipation.

Mukesh Chauhan