Hi Puys. The link below will take you to survey which would keep track of NonAcceptance , Cancellation and WL Clearance in various B-Schools. PG users can report such actions using the tool. The survey would be of help to WL candidates and Mo…
Hi Puys.
The link below will take you to survey which would keep track of NonAcceptance , Cancellation and WL Clearance in various B-Schools. PG users can report such actions using the tool. The survey would be of help to WL candidates and Moderators of threads of the like WL Movements and Clearances.
As of now I have only added 4 B-Schools to the institute list and at a later stage more B-Schools can be added as they pour out their results and on request basis. The roll number and date of birth mentioned in the form can be used by the moderators of the survey to check the validity of the action reported hence making the information much reliable.
If the survey proves to be a success we can come up with a tool on the same line of GD-PI connect.
The link to survey is Report NonAcceptance Cancellation WaitList Clearance
The results can be viewed at Google Docs - Report NonAcceptance Cancellation WaitList Clearance .
I am working on filtering the results of the survey to give the users Institute-wise details.
TO ADD A B-SCHOOL TO THE LIST - PLease Post in the thread. The B-School would be added ASAP.
Anyone can nominate himself as a moderator for a particular institute involved in the the survey. Your nomination will be weighed by the administrator of the survey and you may or may not end up being a moderator based on the administrator's discretion. For one to have better chances to be nominated as a moderator for a particular institute, he/she needs to have a GD/PI call from the institute or a student of the institute.
1. A moderator needs to keep track of the admission and results thread of the institute for the batch 08-10. He has to keep himself updated with the recent activities like NonAcceptances Cancellations and WaitLists Clearance posted in the thread.
2. A moderator can report NonAcceptances Cancellations and WaitLists Clearance on behalf of any other individual. For reporting the activity he needs to use the following link
The Moderator needs to use his discretion on the reliability of the source of such information. The best source would be quoting the link to the post where the individual has quoted the activity as such references will improve the reliability of the information and survey.
3. A moderator needs to keep himself with the entries being made in the survey. The link to view the entries made to the survey is
Google Docs - Report NonAcceptance Cancellation WaitList Clearance
If the moderator finds any inconsistent entry being made to the survey he needs to inform the same to the administrator. The administrator would do the needful. Best way to report such entries would be using the PM option.
NO. It is a thankless job done in the favor of MBA Aspirants' interest.
Please post on the thread nominating yourself. Please make sure that you mention the institute for which you are nominating yourself. Also please try to display your GD/PI calls if you have any in the signature.
P.S:- If one gets nominated as a moderator please try to carry the link of the survey thread in your signature for a higher visibility of the survey i.e. for reaching out to higher audience.
The following is the list of moderators. The list would be updated as and when we include more moderators.
SCMHRD - pradeep.mats
SIIB - pradeep.mats
K J Somaiya - manan237
HI Puys,
Below is the list for WL movement in various B-Schools. The list would be updated as when results pour in -
SIBM PUNE - (General Category) - WL 9 cleared as on 4 Apr 2008.
SIBM PUNE - (SC Category) - WL 8 Cleared
SIBM BGLORE - WL 81 Cleared as on 17 Mar 2008.
SCMHRD - First WL Completely Cleared (25 candidates) as on 17 Mar 2008
SIIB - IB Course - Open Category 35
GLAKES - WL 78 Cleared
HI Puys,
Below is the list for WL movement in various B-Schools. The list would be updated as when results pour in -
SIBM PUNE - (General Category) - No Movement as on 3 Mar 2008.
SIBM BGLORE - WL 40 Cleared as on Mar 2008.
any idea abt when will the WL movement be updated by SCMHRD /???
HI Puys,
As the last date of acceptance of the admission offer was 5th March you can soon expect updates from SCHRD regarding WL movement. SIBM PUNE offered 120 offers against 107 seats in OPen Category hence there was no WL movt. We donot know whether SCMHRD has followed the same line keeping buffer offers. If that has been done then we need to have non-acceptances more than the number of buffer offers to observe a WL movt.
As of now I donot have any idea of when would the inst update us with WL movt but expect it by a week or so. Better is to call the inst. All the Best.
gunjanr5 Saysany idea abt when will the WL movement be updated by SCMHRD /???
We have given offer to Wait List students upto Wait List No. 10. You name appears further in the list and hence you are not being offered admission at this stage. We shall inform you about any further movement in the list.
first waitlist till 10 is cleared for scmhrd ..........
HI Gunjan ,
You will get through do not worry. You will observe more and more cancellations as results pour in. All the Best....
gunjanr5 Saysfirst waitlist till 10 is cleared for scmhrd ..........
When is the waitlist for Glakes expected to be out coz they're saying it's expected to be out by 15-16 instead of today
For First WaitList and Second WaitList Hopefuls,
I called up SCMHRD today for updates on WL movt. 20 WL in the first list has been cleared as of today. Second List will only be declared if all the candidates in first WL are cleared. Also the speaker on the other end told me that 11 April might be the last date upto which admissions would be offered.
All the Best and COngos to all WL who cleared.
srry posted on d wrong thread
Any clues or past incidences about IIFT wait list....
they have mentioned about call letters will be disaptched to wait listers but have not mentioned any list....\
also they have listed more names than the seats........is that list exhaustive...
any history of wait list conversions........
add nmims...my rank is 109...not joining..mods kidnly update the data
Please try to follow the thread
for the last year WL movement. You may find something that is important for you.
All the BEst...
Any clues or past incidences about IIFT wait list....
they have mentioned about call letters will be disaptched to wait listers but have not mentioned any list....\
also they have listed more names than the seats........is that list exhaustive...
any history of wait list conversions........
This thread hasn't got as popular as was expcted!! Request the mods to make it sticky, so that more n more ppl can cthis and know about it...!
This could serve a wonderful purpose..
I have converted IMI, so will not be joining SIIB(am currently W - 19 there)..... I've already got the changes done in the SIIB waitlist document through Rahul Batra.
Selected in the IMI PGDM course. Will not be taking up as have an IIFT convert already.
hey pradeep.mats
i think first WL cleared for SCMHRD.......mine WL 24 cleared!
Converted IMI-HR but won't be joining it. Hopefully seat goes to the most deserving one.