Puzzle-Please answer

i have two dice. i wish to number their faces in such a way that the dice can be placed alongside to show any date of the year. Which numbers should i write on each die? Note that both the dice must be used while displaying a date i.e eg 01,02, …

i have two dice. i wish to number their faces in such a way that the dice can be placed alongside to show any date of the year. Which numbers should i write on each die?
Note that both the dice must be used while displaying a date i.e eg 01,02, 03 on both the dices.

i have two dice. i wish to number their faces in such a way that the dice can be placed alongside to show any date of the year. Which numbers should i write on each die?
Note that both the dice must be used while displaying a date i.e eg 01,02, 03 on both the dices.

write 0 1 2 3 4 5 on one die and 0 1 2 6 7 8...
6 wud serve for 9 as well...der u go the solution

Thanks buddy ..you were brialliant.. awesome

one more.

yesterday, my colleague "A" was telling me abt the new social networking site facequalm.He explained how 2 people can link to each other and become friends. He proudly proclaimed tha he already has 500 friends on the site. He also boasted that no two of those "friends" have the same number of friends, but none of them had as many as he does. I belive that he was not telling the truth. ? Why

one more.

yesterday, my colleague "A" was telling me abt the new social networking site facequalm.He explained how 2 people can link to each other and become friends. He proudly proclaimed tha he already has 500 friends on the site. He also boasted that no two of those "friends" have the same number of friends, but none of them had as many as he does. I belive that he was not telling the truth. ? Why

this can be understood this way:
since A has 500 friends,so if we go by condition ,then it would be like
friend 1 has 0 friend
friend 2 has 1 friend......so on
friend 500 has 499 friends
but these stmts are contradictory
because friend 1 can have atleast 1 friend which is A itself.
so friend number 500 would have atleast 500 friends.
so ,he tells a lie.