Wanted to know
1. How to apply to PUMBA, nothing is mentioned on the website.
2. The last date to apply?
2. Does PUMBA takes CAT/XAT Score?
how to apply to PUMBA n last date for apply ?
how to apply to pumba n last dates for the application for 2010-12 admissions?
hey harsh.. thanks for helping us with all of ur data..
1.How does PUMBA's placement suffered during this recession session?
2.what was max & min packages?
3. packages for freshers?? experienced???
4. which good companies?
5. average %age students placed??
6. wat is the fees?
PUMBA's webiste provides some info... i guess.. but getting info from a student of PUMBA certainly helps a lot..
This is very confusing. I am unable to understand this Cut Off thing...
And what is the All India ranking of Pumba???
You can visit this link to know more about the course MBA++ which is patented course of University of Pune.
PUMBA (an acronym for "Pune University MBA" is an affectionate name given to
the Department of Management Sciences at Pune University).
Pumba Online Connection A legacy since 1971 is an independent website not affiliated to the Department of Management Sciences, University of Pune.
All opinions/content posted here belong to their respective owners
This is very confusing. I am unable to understand this Cut Off thing...
And what is the All India ranking of Pumba???
The ranking is Outlook: 26
The cutoff is based on your status - whether you are from Maharashtra or outside of Maharashtra. It further depends on your category and university if you are from Maharashtra.
Hope this helps.
I have given CET and results are expected on 5th April. I want to know that when can we apply for PUMBA? Do we have to apply after CET results?
I have given CET and results are expected on 5th April. I want to know that when can we apply for PUMBA? Do we have to apply after CET results?
you donthave to apply separately to pumba.
my feb mat score is 95.5??can i apply to ILS seat through this marks??if yes,wat is the exact procedure..
sarin2711 Saysmy feb mat score is 95.5??can i apply to ILS seat through this marks??if yes,wat is the exact procedure..
which college/seat are you referring to? could you be elaborate pls ?
hey i go 94.9 percentile in ATMA
bsc biotech 86.9%
any chance in PUMBA mba biotech???
sumbdy plsssss replyyyyyyy
hey i go 94.9 percentile in ATMA
bsc biotech 86.9%
any chance in PUMBA mba biotech???
sumbdy plsssss replyyyyyyy
wel am not sure about the cut off as i am from MBA general.
i would try to get info from my MBA Biotech colleagues.. til then you could also go through the following link.I am sure it should help you a lot :
hey guys what is the ave package given by pumba??
I have given CET and results are expected on 5th April. I want to know that when can we apply for PUMBA? Do we have to apply after CET results?
You do NOT need to apply to PUMBA separately, its the central procedure of CET and you will just need to fill the option of PUMBA in the CAP option form to apply to PUMBA. Good luck!
Department of Management Sciences (PUMBA), University of Pune
does PUMBA offer pgdm? if yes, does it take feb-MAT score?
plp Saysdoes PUMBA offer pgdm? if yes, does it take feb-MAT score?
PUMBA does not offer pgdbm/ mms/ any other course, it offers MBA (now known as MBA++) - full time, executive etc.
For MBA prog PUMBA accepts MH-CET score, this year onwards it won't accept MAT score.
Department of Management Sciences, University of Pune
(PUMBA) batch 2009-2011.
What is the minimum percentile required to get into PUMBA?
I got 121 and 92.73%... do i have any chance???
good query... i do have abt d same marks.. 124/200.. 93.91%le... i m frm mumbai.. so dnt know where do i stand in dis whole scenario.... lets hope for d best anywayz...
can i get pumba